Good Morning,
Back in 2006 when I saw Zig Ziglar, he said that people do their best and highest volume of work when they are preparing to go on vacation. If you are working a two day week and leave for a five day vacation, on those two days you tend to be more productive than normal weeks. You have a pressing deadline important to you, that is, you want to get out to your vacation on time with as little work left hanging over your head when you are gone.
I see this almost every morning when I try to compose a message of the day or do something else in the house when I get the girls ready for school, prepare breakfast, do some chores, and get out the door on time. Some of the messages that I am most proud of came from those times when I had 5 minutes to generate message before our time to go.
Sometimes it just wont work, there are too many distractions, and that is okay, there are times when you can push the envelop any further without negative consequences.
Try to balance those times when you can get a lot done in a short period of time with those when you really should not drive yourself too hard. You will find less frustration when you realize you can step back and not fight the constant interruptions. Those interruptions may be more important at that moment!
It may be hard to tell which is which, but in the heat of the moment, it often becomes crystal clear.
So, I am off to bring the girls to school and will speak to you all tomorrow or Wednesday.
Enjoy! ß Check out the new Blog site
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