Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Message of the Day - Take a step back and look again

Good Morning,


Have you ever been so focused on a target or a goal that you blank out everything else from sight and from mind? This is sometimes called tunnel vision, and we all are susceptible to getting it from time to time.


When we focus on one goal with all of our hearts and minds, day in and day out, we can do ourselves a disservice.


Here are some reasons why:


  1. We elevate this goal above all others, no matter how important the others may be at the time.
  2. We look at others through the eyes of meeting our goals and this may cause us to act in ways we normally do not act to our friends and loved ones.
  3. We pass on other opportunities which may present themselves to us. Other opportunities which may actually be better for us.


When we see, or more likely, are reminded, that we are too focused, take a step back and try to draw in the big picture. See what is going on around you and then put your goal into perspective. Maybe you can see things you did not see before, or maybe your goal is that important and you need to get right back at it.  Either way, you have taken a fresh look and given yourself a chance to make the right choice.


Lets all take a step back from time to time to see the big picture.




Sanford Berenberg


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