Thursday, December 31, 2009

Message of the Day - A New Year, A New Decade

Good Morning,
As I sit here typing this message with some 27 minutes left in the current year, I am thinking of something profound to share with you about our heading into the new year. More so that than, we are heading into a new decade.
Earlier today I shared my memories of 1999 new years with my daughters. The joy of entering a new millennium was tempered with the fear of the damage and chaos to be caused by the infamous Y2K Bug. The new years was counted down and at midnight, nothing happened. Cell phones kept working, TVs stayed on, with cable signals intact. All that build up and hype driving the hysteria of Y2K and shortly after midnight in January 2000 it vanished with limited impact across the world.
22 minutes to go to 2010.
This year, what hype, hysteria and fear have we been building up to as we get close to this new decade?
When the new year starts, much of these fears and hysteria will vanish as we look at the new year and presents its new challenges and opportunities.
We can focus on what is important to us now, and not let that hysteria and hype take our attention away from what means most to us.
12 minutes to go.
There is always going to be 'big' things to divert our attention. Maybe we can focus our attention in the new year to stay focused on what is important.
8 minutes to go.
Here is to a great new year, a new decade and spending more of our time focused on what is important to each of us.
Enjoy and Happy New Year!!
Sanford Berenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Message of the Day - Borrowing A Good Idea that Fails

Good Morning,
My current read is "The Rudolph Factor" by Cyndi Laurin and Craig Morningstar (, which was recommended by Todd Arwood in his latest monthly newsletter (
One concept which hit very close to home was how often people who copied the successful strategies of others often failed. Over the years, folks have tried to copy my efforts on some of my projects and where I succeeded, they failed, and I have to say that I have failed at times when I copied others as well.
For example, I was tasked with building a high performance team. I took the team and built it up to over 16 members with best ever performance through the assignment of projects, empowering team members and getting each of them focused on building the team.
Another person attempted to build a similar team, but ran into problems and never got their team off the ground. They used the same techniques I did, projects, empowerment and such, but only superficially. When giving projects, I backed off and let the team member run with it. This other leader kept his hand on a leash.
They went through the motions, but did not seem to understand what was used to succeed.
What drives this?
According to Dr. Laurin and Craig Morningstar, the reason is that while people can copy the process and the techniques, what they often miss is passion and commitment that drove that process and technique.
In other words, we can often copy the external actions and even techniques of other people or groups. What we see others doing, though, is often not all there is to it. If that were the case, you could watch someone doing a bomb deactivation, and then try it yourself, duplicating their moves. What do you think your chances of success will be? Especially if the bomb is even slightly different.
When copying the technique of others, it then makes sense to find out what are the nuances and background information necessary to get the job done correctly. Going back to the team building example, copying my process would have been more successful if the other manager understood the passion and drive to build each individual team member up, individually, rather than driving overall team strategies.
Borrowing a good idea will often fail unless we take the time to look deeper into what makes that idea good in the first place.
Sanford Berenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"
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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Message of the Day - Success Caused Failure

Good Morning,
I read an article in the latest issue of Wired Magazine about the failure of 3D Realms after their amazing success with Duke Nukem in 1995. The failure was on the release of the sequel, started in 1997, and never released. The project folded earlier this year.
How does a company which hits the market with such a success go and fail? They had pulled in all kinds of money, enough to set their own timeframe, their own budget, and their own rules to get the project completed and after 12 years, it just ended.
Success is listed as the reason for the failure.
Not really. The failure was a web formed by many facets which stymied the leaders and the company.
1. Search for perfection. The company searched for the perfect product. They retooled the product when new and better programming became available, causing a total re-write of the nearly completed project. When something new and exciting came out, the design staff wanted to get something similar into the game. A new manager hired at the last few years started pulling in the reigns and getting control of the project, but it was 10 years too late.
2. No Deadline set. 3D Realms never set a deadline and kept working into a void of time and money. Parkinson's Law states that when more time is available, it will be filled in and used up. The more time you give yourself, the more things will find a way into taking up that time. Without a deadline set, or control put in place, this will continue indefinitely.
3. No Constraints in place. Money was no object. 3D Realms had a lot of capital and they just blew through it without anything to really show for it, other than 12 years of payroll and some demos. Setting mini-budget-goals along the way would have helped. Being that this company could finance the entire project themselves, they did not have anyone breathing down their neck, until it was too late.
Success for 3D Realms was their undoing.
A good book to help us avoid a similar fate is Jim Collin's "How The Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In (
Sanford Berenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"
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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Message of the Day - Merry Christmas, a Time of Reflection

Good Morning,
Today we celebrate a birthday. This is no ordinary birthday, rather it is a birthday of a person who has had a widespread and profound impact on the entire world over the last 2000 years.
This birthday celebration has a lot of meanings to a lot of people, groups and organizations.
I look at this holiday as a time to reflect on all the blessings in my life as well as how I can be more of a blessing in the lives of those around me as well as to people I have never met.
2009 has been both a wonderful and a tumultuous year for me and my family. It has seen me at my best, and it has seen me at my worst.
This year my first book was published, and while not a New York Times Best Seller, yet, it has served to help many.
This year saw the passing of my Mother. While unexpected, and avoidable, it caused me to rethink a lot about myself and my beliefs.
This year saw my faith in the Lord grow in leaps and bounds, helping me grow as a man of integrity.
This year my family and I said goodbye to our home of the last 10 years (6 for me) and hello to our new dream home.
This year saw the birth of my God-Daughter, Sofia, whom I have loved from before she was born, and will love every day of my life.
This year saw a rekindled relationship with Aunts and Uncles who have been out of my life for upwards of 30 years, and finding and meeting cousins I never knew existed.
This year saw my closest friends stepping up and doing whatever it took to help me through the darkest times in my life.  I have seen other friends move off and out of my life, while new ones came in.
This year saw new opportunities to embark on, as well as old ones to say goodbye to.
In reviewing this last year and how I have served my fellow human, I see opportunities for me to improve myself so I can help others even further. I see how I can be a better husband, father, coworker, writer, mentor, friend and caretaker.
I will keep reading, and I will keep writing, and coaching, and I hope you will keep reading and sharing, and getting something out of these words.
This is what I enjoy about celebrating this birthday. My gift is of myself, and giving more of myself to you.
I hope this holiday has special meaning for you as well. Even if you do not celebrate it, I hope that it is also a time of positive reflection for you as well.
Sanford Berenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Message of the Day - ReGifting Passion

Good Morning,
This evening Karen and I had the pleasure of entertaining dear friends of ours, Dennis and Jill, over dinner and some great conversation. And some great ham and potatoes. Man I am so lucky to have an amazing chef in my life.
During the conversation, Dennis told me about the funeral service for his father. He was most impressed with the Patriot Guard and military who were present to ensure that his father, a veteran, was buried with honors and respect due a person who has served our nation.  I remember the marines who attended my Grandfather's funeral and placed the flag on the coffin, and the pride our family felt in the honor. It warmed my heart.
This respect in Dennis and Jill turned to passion. A passion to help others in their darkest times of honoring the passing of loved ones. Dennis and Jill contacted the local Patriot Guard and signed up.
Now they participate in events to help honor others who have served our nation.
They have effectively re-gifted this love and passion and now share it with others who need it in more trying times.
What a wonderful gift to give, our passion. What makes it even more special is that it is a passion gifted to them and passed on. This pay it forward activity can continue for a long time like the couple in Philadelphia who bought the meals for another couple starting a chain reaction lasting over 5 hours (
I love reading the stories or seeing TV shows of those who actually bless others with this kind of love. It means so much more to know folks who actually do it, and I hope the passion continues to be re-gifted.
Sanford Berenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"
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Monday, December 21, 2009

Message of the Day - A smaller box is not greater security

Good Morning,
When life gets more and more out of control, we tend to circle our wagons and put up borders and walls to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our interests.  These walls and borders keep the trouble we want to avoid out, but they also keep us in.
One fear we must be cognizant of is how large is the space we have locked ourselves into. Did we put up walls around the football field, or did we get the 10 x 14 apartment in New York City?
The size of our protected area is what we look at and operate with. The smaller the space, the less options we have, the less we think about. The smaller the space, the less likely we are to think outside the box and the more we act like an automaton rather than a person.
With a smaller box, we have more control.  Less can go on and the less likely something can happen outside of our knowledge. There are less to fear and less to know.
With a larger box, we have less control. There is more stuff that can happen outside of our knowledge. There is more to fear and there is more to know.
As life happens, it forces changes to the world around us. This includes changes to the security of our box. When the changes hit us, we have to plan and react. The more insulated we were (from being in a small box), the less options we have when we have to enter a new, often larger box. Basically we are less prepared.
In the end, the smaller box, while feeling and looking safer, is not a better security because the changes in life force us out of our comfort zone. And when we are forced out, we are far better off with more knowledge and experience to drawn on than less.
To help us, we should all look for larger boxes to call our own.
Sanford Berenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"
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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Message of the Day - Sacrificing Tomorrow

Good Morning,
In our rush to get things done today and worrying about today's concerns we tend to take more and more of our attention off of another vital concern. That is planning for tomorrow.
Tomorrow brings hopes and opportunities and it also brings a lot of the unknown.
Today is here now and it has its concerns and hot items which must be addressed.
If we focus solely on today and and do only what is necessary to survive today, we will succeed in surviving for today.
When tomorrow comes, we then do the same thing. But, there in lies the challenge. If we always do what we always did, then we will always get what we always got (taking a line from Todd Arwood).
This is a challenge because there is change. There is always change. In fact, the only constant is that things will change.  Sometimes we can see the change on the horizon and sometimes it hits us upside our heads without notice.
If we do not plan for the change we know is coming, and keep facing today's challenges only, eventually our knowledge and skill will not be enough. One day, we will not be able to address the challenges of the day. Will not have planned and prepared, and we will have to scramble even faster.
That is a growing amount of stress. Some of it is unnecessary, if we only spend some time looking forward into the future, and preparing.
A good book on this is Ken Blanchard's 'Mission Possible' which shares how to face today's issues while planning ahead for what we know lies ahead.
Sanford Berenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"
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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Message of the Day - The Power of a Name

Good Morning,

Several weeks ago Seth Godin,, Marketing Guru, announced that his new book, "Linchpin", would be available for pre-release to the first 3000 people who made a donation to the Acumen Fund (

Due to this offer, which I glady participated, Seth Godin effectively raised over $100,000 in less than 48 hours for a worthy charity.

This was accomplished by using the power of a name. Not just any name, but one which is respected. A name which tens of thousands or more people look up to. The bigger your circle, the bigger the impact. And thus why we have celebrity sponsorships.

While we all may not be marketing leaders, celebrities or have the following of E.F. Hutton, we do have our own circles of influence where there are people who do respect our opinions.

In those circles, we can use our names to create powerful effects for the forces of good!

Give it a try. When you find something new that you just love, tell some of your circle you love it, and tell others that you heard it was okay, and see the difference in response and actions of your circle.


SanfordBerenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Message of the Day - Remaining Positive in Face of Adversity

Good Morning,


Do you ever have days where nothing ever seems to go right?  It's like a wave comes to knock sense into you for trying to be positive. You get up and another, bigger wave comes at you, and just before you get knocked off your feet, you notice an even bigger wave behind this one bearing down on you. You change your stance to better face the waves and remain positive, but now an undertow pulls your feet and legs out from under you and your positive attitude is shaken again.


How do we face this continual onslaught of negative waves which relentlessly pound us and our sometime feeble attempts to keep a positive attitude?


There are two ways I know of.


The first and harder way is to keep getting back up. If you get back on your feet each and every time you get knocked down, then in the end your positive attitude and will to be positive will defeat any and all obstacles and challenges.


The second way is to get help. Two people, working together are strong than one.  


Two people bracing each other as the waves of negativity sweep over them have a better chance of remaining on their feet than just one. Three is better than two and so on. Surround yourself with others who have the same desire to be positive and back each other up. You will find it easier to be positive when you have others right there with you, wanting to do the same thing.


If there is no one where you work or live who is positive, then go elsewhere and find someone. Maybe you can only meet once a week or once a month, but find that person and spend time building each other up. Send emails, texts, instant messages, whatever. If you can't find anyone, call me.


Be the positive for your group, and they will be the positive for you. With that synergy working together, eventually those waves of negativity will get smaller and smaller and eventually just cease to have any impact on you.


Be positive together, and take on the world!




Sanford Berenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Message of the Day - New Found Family

Good Morning,
This past few weeks have been a real journey into discovery for me and my family. Over the course of this time, I found out about the existence four first cousins and an aunt I had either never met or did not even know existed. You see the TV shows or read articles of family reuniting with each other after decades, and you get that warm and fuzzy feeling vicariously through them. It is much more intense when it is your family which you are being reunited with!
I knew I had close family who I had never met or do not remember meeting, but I had never thought I would meet them.  In the course of every day life, obscure memories from childhood seem to get lost in the chaos. Sometimes they trickle through your consciousness, brought forward through random encounters or just serendipity.
Like the movie Rain Man where Tom Hank's character 'Charlie Babbit' used to call his older, autistic brother Raymond 'Rain Man' before they were separated. Charlie had vague memories of Rain Man, but not until they were re-united did he understand what it meant. 
It was eye opening to find whole chapters of my life just reappear.  My father and uncles have half sisters, who they knew and met, but had not seen in over 30 some-odd years. Being 10 or less old at the time, I knew these people existed, but never knew much about them.
Like opening a book which has been in my collection for years for the first time, I eagerly look forward to the new found relationships that are being forged with the new extended family.
This new found family mean new opportunities to learn, love and share. While not everyone will have people just appear in their lives, they can reconnect with those they have not spoken to in some time. And then they can learn, love and share anew.
The joys of reconnecting give us all a chance to start a fresh relationship. We may even take one which was not so good, and start it over, to give it another shot.
Sanford Berenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"
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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Message of the Day - Obtaining the Goal we Did Not See

Good Morning,
Today I tried to give a pint of blood to the Red Cross during a blood drive at work. I breezed through the initial consultation and review part. Then when I got to the cot to start the draw of blood, that's when the problems started.
At first, I had the staff try my right arm, but after a few minutes finding a vein, they could not get an adequate flow from it, so they offered to either try sticking it again or using the left arm (my right arm screamed to be left alone). I opted for the left arm. Again, after finding the vein, the bloodletting started nicely. Within minutes I had filled half of the sack but the flow slowed down and eventually stopped. My body had started clotting where the needle was (actually doing its job).
When we stopped, they found there was not enough blood collected to provide for a transfusion. It bothered me that I had tried hard to help someone and couldn't. The lead tech there then told me that it was not for nothing, that my blood was going to be used for research and testing, so that these vital functions can continue with minimal use of blood slated for transfusions.
Although I failed in my primary objective, it may have been because I had succeeded in another objective, possibly a much more important one (research which could lead to more life saving information).
Life is full of these situations where what we saw as failure or missing our mark actually turns out to be something achieving a much higher goal, one we may not have even known had existed before.
We should look at what we see as failures again, and see if there is not something more promising to come from these situations. We may be surprised at what we find.
Sanford Berenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"
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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Message of the Day - Spending Time Alone

Good Morning,
My current read is Og Mandino's "Return of the Ragpicker" ( which is the sequel to "The greatest miracle in the world". In this wonderful book, the Ragpicker, Simon Potter, who spends his time helping those who are down on their luck and helps them improve their lives.
The message Simon says is so critical for our generation to learn is to spend time alone and reflect, and think. That our world is moving faster and faster with new fangled gadgets to save us time, which turn out to be newer and even more insidious time leeches. That we spend so much time just trying to keep up in our world, that we are losing a lot of ourselves.
That is when we spend some alone time reflecting, contemplating and thinking, we are able to understand more about our world around us, the people around us and ourselves. Through reflection we can learn even more about what we already know. The challenge is that we seldom give ourselves the chance to do this reflection due to our jumping onto the next task or using the next time saving convenience.
Not taking this time means we miss out on all that we can learn from quiet reflection.
This is another point my friend Don brought up in his simple and quiet Thanksgiving. He was able to spend some quality alone time and reflect on his recent life happenings, etc.
I try to spend time reflecting when I first get up and just lay in bed and think, or when I get ready for bed, I take 10 - 15 minutes every few nights to just rethink what has been going on in my life.
Quiet alone time is a powerful tool. It can give us insights we may not be able to get otherwise.  It is well worth the effort to give yourself some alone time every now and then.
Sanford Berenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"
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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Message of the Day - The 'Uniforms' we wear

Good Morning,
In one of my recent 'Learn and Grow Daily Tips' ( I wrote:
"Uniforms. We all wear different 'uniforms' through life. I'm proudest wearing the 'uniform' for any role where I can help other people."
The uniforms we wear are not so much the actual uniforms of the places we work, or organizations we serve (although they could be), rather the uniforms often of the things we do or the roles we fulfill in life.
We can wear the 'uniform' of parenthood, or of caregiver just as easily has the 'uniform' of a firefighter or store clerk.
Throughout our lives, in all of our adventures both in and out of the workforce we wear different 'uniforms'. Some we wear by chose, and some are thrust on us by circumstance, or our own choices (whether wise or not so wise).
When I get to help others, it does not matter what role I am fulfilling, or what 'uniform' I am wearing. It just makes me proud to be able to be of service. 
In the end, helping others is what its all about and we should endeavor to do so no matter what 'uniform' we are wearing.
Sanford Berenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"
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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Message of the Day - Finding Job Security

Good Morning,

My current read is Ken Blanchard's "Leadership Smarts"
21248) which is a compilation of leadership quotes and some further details
on those quotes. Many of these come from his many books. One quote that got
me thinking was "The Only Job security you have today is your commitment to
continuous personal improvement".


There are no guarantees in the workplace other than companies want talent,
and when times get tough, they want to keep talent. Top performers are not
just the top producers in their line of work. Rather, they are those who can
adapt to the changing needs of the workplace while still producing high
quality, high volume work in the shortest amount of time.

These people are not just born. They are created.

How are they created? They learn and improve themselves. They embrace a new
situation, learn from it and use that knowledge to help them in a newer
situation. Continual learning and growing, as I said many times before,
helps you become that top performer who can adapt. With the rate of change
in the world today, the ability to adapt then is critical to success.

Continual learning and your attitude and how you face the situations you are
in are two keys to improving your marketability and security in a job, or
when looking for a new one. Being committed to personal improvement then
means truly putting time and effort into self improvement (e.g., gaining
more skills, knowledge and or experience) every day.

Yes, EVERY day.

Added to that commitment is the personal attitude we bring to the table. We
must be positive, and yes, we are all human and need to de-stress from time
to time. My bosses all have heard me vent over the years. When being
positive, even in tough times, combined with continual improvement, we
position ourselves to succeed.

Doing this tomorrow only, though, will not help you, unless you do it again
the next day, and the next, and don't stop. Continual improvement takes
time, and while we are bound to have bad days, the key is never stop, never
give up.

Be positive, and make a commitment to improve yourself daily and you will
improve your job security.


Sanford Berenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Message of the Day - Recharging Batteries

Good Morning,
In sharing recent Thanksgiving experiences, Don, a reader of this message shared with me that his Thanksgiving was quiet and peaceful. He had his dinner with his lovely wife and nobody else. Don told me that in the peace and quiet of this time, devoid of the multitudes of family, he and his wife were able to recharge and relax and enjoy this holiday without all the stress and hoopla which normally accommodate each holiday. The recharging instead of stressing made all the difference for him and his wife.
There is a lot to be said for taking time to recharge your batteries. A stay-cation is another wonderful way to take some time for yourself and not do too much (unless you have set up a remodeling project for yourself).
What seems opposed to popular belief, it is okay to take a little time for yourself. Maybe it is only ten minutes here or there, but this time will be well invested. Without taking some time to relax and unwind we only increase the amount of stress that we put on ourselves.
In today's world, adding more stress is not the direction we should be heading in. It is dangerous to our health, both mental and physical.
A little time spent for yourself or with a loved one can end up as a great investment in relaxation and time off.
Maybe take a play from Don's playbook and find a way to have a quiet and relaxing day, holiday or even fifteen minutes without all the hoopla and mayhem which surrounds our everyday lives.
Thanks Don for sharing!

Sanford Berenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"
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