Thursday, March 20, 2008

Message of the Day - Humor and You

Good Morning,


My current read is ‘Humor Us’ by 18 different authors (including our friend Brad Barton). Yes this is the book I won at December GLI Signature Event. Kinda shows the number of books I have sitting in front of me to read at any given time.


‘Humor Us’ has a chapter written by each of the authors. After reading the first six, I can see the value of this book and how humor in our lives can make such a difference. A little humor can put smiles on people’s faces and lighten an otherwise dreary mood.


Humor does not have to be in the form of jokes, practical or otherwise, or wearing clown costumes, but then again, we have all seen modern fashion these days…. Humor comes in many forms, subtle and well, not so subtle (hand buzzers and whoopee cushions). Humor can be made and it can be found where it is currently sitting hidden, or in plain sight for those of us who are normally oblivious (Me and possibly a few others….).


What can Humor do for you?


Take the edge off the day, reduce the pressure of a tough situation, make a boring day go by faster, and make other people more fun to be around.


Find the humor, smile, laugh and if you can’t find any, make some up. Maybe not a whoopee cushion, but a cute joke, etc.




Sanford Berenberg  ß Check out the new Blog site



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