Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Message of the Day - Scientific Proof Being Positive is Better

Good Morning,


My current read is “Authentic Happiness” by Martin E. P. Seligman, Ph.D. This book was recommended by Kirk Weisler and covers movement of Psychology into a whole new arena, determining what is right with us and why we are happy. I really like the move away from what is wrong and our failings. This looks to be a great book.


Early on in the book, there is a description of some experiments to determine the impact on people and their ability and performance. In this case, there were three randomly created groups of internists who were to be handed a list of medical symptoms for a hard it diagnose case. One group was prepared with medical information. The second group was sent candy. The last group, the control group, was given nothing. After receiving the list of symptoms, the group who had the candy performed the best in determining the correct diagnosis of liver disease. The candy put them into a good mood and in that mood they were able to be positive.


This result has been replicated in other experiments, but we don’t really need them to know that when we feel good and positive, the world is our oyster and can take on anything. I remember back to the Tony Robbins seminar in NYC, and that feeling of being able to do anything. It would be then that I would love to be faced with my greatest challenges, not when I am down or upset.


Since we can choose how we act, it makes sense to positive. We will do better in life being positive. Another part early in the book talks about people who normally have ‘Duchenne’ smiles (you know the huge ear to ear grin forming wrinkles on the face they are smiling so hard), tend to live longer.


Seems to me if we want a longer happier life, then we should smile more and work to be more positive.


Science has proved it!  But, we can live it.




Sanford Berenberg


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