Monday, June 23, 2008

Message of the Day - The River Flows, Why Fight It?

Good Morning,


I am finishing up Krishnamurti’s “Think on These Things”. I am not 100% sold on everything he has to say, but I admire his approach, which is to not either believe or disbelieve in what he is saying. Rather, we should look at what is being said and think on it and see for ourselves. One of the guiding principles of the book is to not be forced into any molds or patterns by society, schools, churches or other institutions. That is, we should strive to retain the inquisitiveness of children (the work is based on lectures to students) and live life to the fullest by using our own minds to make our own decisions and above all, not only embrace love, but have love be all things in our lives. Everything we do should be built on love. I have taken this work to heart and think on it further, it is very thought provoking.


One part of the book which stuck out to me was how people resist change. This is more important today that it has been in the past. Change is coming at us faster and faster. At this point there is more that does change than stays the same. Krishnamurti describes change like a river. It flows. The water is full of live, growth, and energy. People who resist the change are those who will dig a trench or pond off to the side of the river where the water will not flow. That pond, because the water does not flow, will grow algae and fungus and becomes evermore stagnant.


The longer the pond stands still, the less life that teems within it. As the river rages on, changing and breeding growth, the pond remains behind and slowly dies. Embracing change is important, it is going to happen, and it is going to be accepted by more and more of society. Eventually, those who do not change are going to be left behind, in their ponds of water which are slowly dying.


Another analogy is the buggy whip manufacturers. When we had horse and buggies before the advent of automobiles, these companies did well. Transportation changed and more people use cars than horse and buggies. The owners of the buggy whip factories had to either decide to change or fall into obscurity. Sure some of them still exist, but they provide for a much smaller audience and even changed their customer base to survive.


Change is like a river, why fight it all the time?




Sanford Berenberg



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