Friday, June 20, 2008

Message of the Day - Being Discontent and Superficiality

Good Morning,


My current read is Jiddu Krishnamurti’s “Think on These Things” ( I heard about this book from the audio book 50 spiritual classics and it really piqued my interest. Krishnamurti was a Hindu Guru and this book is his comments on modern society back in the 1960’s. His words, though, are timeless.


Early on in the book, in the chapter Creative Discontent Krishnamurti talks about having a flame of discontent burning within you. This discontent is not superficial but in your core. This discontent is not about hearing bad news, or someone upsetting you, rather it is about your true self. If you are not discontent at your core, then you have no incentive to change any part of your life. If you are one of the few people who are truly happy with where everything is in your life, then more power to you, but I have never met someone like that.


Having that inner discontent is the catalyst to creativity, it is the drive to find something new, to change something about yourself or your surroundings. This flame has us looking to books, to clubs or organizations, to do new things, to meet new people and go to new places. These then feed back to our core and help us become more than we are now.


Those superficial complaints, issues, or concerns are truly just that. Sure a bad event can weigh you down and cause you problems, but that is not who you are. People who allow these events to be who they are, hide their true selves from others. They are the anger, the lust, the envy and the other emotions and events that happen to them or they feel. These superficial folks can be toxic to those around them, especially when they try to undermine or stop us from fanning our flame of discontent and trying to grow and become more than we are.


At different times in our lives we may get stuck on things that happen to us an become toxic people, but we can move beyond by letting go of these things and looking for better, and going after it.


Fan your own flame, and move onward in life!




Sanford Berenberg



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