Good Morning,
Over the last few days, I have been working with my family to resolve a difficult situation. This comes at a time when there is tremendous activities going on personally, with church, college, work and other groups. You know, when it rains it pours. Going it alone was not looking to pleasant or even doable.
I have been blessed with some very smart and capable people in my life. During these rough times, I have simply called my sister, or reached out to a close friend, and the cavalry was on the way. I remember watching the TV shows and movies where the police or military are facing a problem which was more than they could handle, and so what did they do, call in back up.
We too can call in back up when we face problems which are too big for us to embrace alone or even in small groups. There are several steps involved in this, as you all know that there are folks we call on who never show up or when they do, the problem gets ignored or worse, gets exacerbated.
The first step in calling for back up is being able to admit to yourself that you need help. This is rough for many people.
The second is to have people that you have built up a strong rapport with. You know, Dr. Steven Covey’s ‘Seven Habits for Highly Effective People’ emotional bank account. People you have made many deposits to over the years. People who care about you and are willing to step in because you have filled their emotional bank account.
Next, you need to know when to call for help and know what you need help with. There are times when help can be called and all they do is sit around uneasily looking at you waiting for something to do. You have to give clear direction of what type of help you need. It can become like crying wolf if you call for help, and people show up, but you don’t let them know what to help with or when.
Of course there is knowing who to call. Some folks are great in some situations and well, not so much in others. That part you will have to figure out over time.
Calling for back up is the key to success when facing the larger challenges of life. Just remember, you have to create and invest into that field of friends and family for when the call is necessary.
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