Saturday, June 28, 2008

Message of the Day - Tale of Two Levels of Service

Good Morning,


Welcome New Recipients!!


A few moments ago, my family and I arrived back home from our trip from New York City. I had hoped to contact some folks while there, but I guess I am getting a bit older these days and after walking around The City all day for five days with my teenage daughter and her friend, I was too dang tired and hot and sticky to call each night. I apologize to those who were hoping to hear from me.


During our trip, we had two customer service experiences where were night and day. Lincoln Limousines and The Salisbury Hotel.


The Salisbury Hotel was an outstanding place to stay. The staff was attentive and caring. They clearly gave us the expectations of service they would provide us, and you know what, we received every bit of what they promised and more. Karen’s hair dryer died during the week, and she put it in the garbage to be disposed of. That afternoon, we found it on the dresser. The staff thought we had mistakenly threw it away. On the second night, one of the air conditioner units would not work with the normal outlet and tripped the circuit breaker on the only other outlet that would work. I asked for them to look at it. They offered to come up that night, but we agreed upon them coming the next day. When we arrived back in the room, not only was the AC working, it was a new unit entirely, not just a jerry-rigged solution. This morning we asked how long it would take to get a cab, and they were accurate within seconds of the expectation they set. It is amazing how wonderful a team can be when they both know what their job is and follow through on every expectation they give to their customers.  


The Lincoln Limousine service was contracted to pick my daughter, her friend, Karen and I up at the airport when we arrived with a stretched limo. The trip was for Stephanie’s 16th birthday, so we wanted to start it off with style. The day before our trip, I received an email saying our 6 AM flight was now departing at 12 Noon. I immediately called the limo service and notified them of the change. They were to pick us up at baggage claim. Our flight ended up being delayed by 30 minutes due to weather, and when we arrived. No limo. When I called, they said that we should wait outside, in the rain, in the heat, for them to pull up to the middle island outside of LaGuardia Terminal and they would be by in 15 minutes. The invoice we received included parking, so why would they need to park if they were only going to stop and pick us up. After 25 minutes, I called again, and was told they were close, give them another 5 minutes. 20 minutes later we called again, and we were told the first car was in an accident and new car was being sent, give it 15 minutes. 30 minutes later, no car. We called again, and the person said another 3 minutes. We told them cancel the service, and we took a cab. I was livid to say the least. Repeated failure to deliver what was promised, repeated miss-information given. When I called later that day from the hotel to cancel the planned return trip, they not only did not even act like they were sorry; they had already cancelled the return drive….


I can tell you one service I would recommend to everyone, and the other, well, buyer beware.


Good service, delivering what you promise can help make a tough situation a better one. I did not mind a hot night with a broken air conditioner because I knew the hotel would fix it, and they did as planned.


Bad service, I will never use that company again, and it ruined what Karen and I had planned for a magical start to a great week.


What type of service do you want to deliver?




Sanford Berenberg



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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Message of the Day - Credibility and How Others See You

Good Morning,


Welcome new recipients!


My current read is “Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose it, Why People Demand it” by James M. Kouzes and Barry z. Posner ( The books covers a key area in leadership and life, being credible. The authors performed surveys to find out what people desire the most in a leader. They performed this survey twice over a 10 year period. The number one want from people of their leaders is credibility, trust. This makes a lot of sense.


When you are working with someone who you do not ‘believe in’ how do you act? Compare this to working with someone who you have total faith in. The difference is huge. People tend to express their concerns through the office gossip, the water cooler talk. The buzz when a leader is new is often not so much will he/she like us, rather will they do what they say, or, are they there to do the job or just make a name for themselves. As the leader builds credibility, the buzz follows with praise and support, the questions, while always there, will shrink to minor quibbles. Folks have to have their issues to talk about, no matter how minor. It is what they are complaining about that is key. Like complaining about suit choices over whether or not the leader will actually keep this latest promise or not.


That same leader who does not follow through with their word, or does wrong by their team will lose credibility, and fast. People working for someone they do not ‘believe in’ tend to lose a lot of energy and have to often justify the effort to follow them at all. Here is when quality really suffers, and morale drops like a lead balloon.


I remember a time I worked for an artist who caused 70% of the problems in the office, and owned up to 5% of them. And yet, he jumped down the throat of anyone who made any level of mistake. We walked on egg shells there and could never trust what the boss said or did. At the end of the day, I would come home and go to bed, exhausted. I couldn’t wait to leave that place. My energy level sprang back up when I started working for another company.


Being credible to the ones you lead is extremely important. It can make and break a team, control productivity and quality and determine the course of a project.


The first step in credibility, deliver what you promise. Be on time, follow through, keep your word, and explain anything that needs explaining.



FYI, my posts this week will be a little light as I take some vacation time with my family. Have a great week!!





Sanford Berenberg



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Monday, June 23, 2008

Message of the Day - The River Flows, Why Fight It?

Good Morning,


I am finishing up Krishnamurti’s “Think on These Things”. I am not 100% sold on everything he has to say, but I admire his approach, which is to not either believe or disbelieve in what he is saying. Rather, we should look at what is being said and think on it and see for ourselves. One of the guiding principles of the book is to not be forced into any molds or patterns by society, schools, churches or other institutions. That is, we should strive to retain the inquisitiveness of children (the work is based on lectures to students) and live life to the fullest by using our own minds to make our own decisions and above all, not only embrace love, but have love be all things in our lives. Everything we do should be built on love. I have taken this work to heart and think on it further, it is very thought provoking.


One part of the book which stuck out to me was how people resist change. This is more important today that it has been in the past. Change is coming at us faster and faster. At this point there is more that does change than stays the same. Krishnamurti describes change like a river. It flows. The water is full of live, growth, and energy. People who resist the change are those who will dig a trench or pond off to the side of the river where the water will not flow. That pond, because the water does not flow, will grow algae and fungus and becomes evermore stagnant.


The longer the pond stands still, the less life that teems within it. As the river rages on, changing and breeding growth, the pond remains behind and slowly dies. Embracing change is important, it is going to happen, and it is going to be accepted by more and more of society. Eventually, those who do not change are going to be left behind, in their ponds of water which are slowly dying.


Another analogy is the buggy whip manufacturers. When we had horse and buggies before the advent of automobiles, these companies did well. Transportation changed and more people use cars than horse and buggies. The owners of the buggy whip factories had to either decide to change or fall into obscurity. Sure some of them still exist, but they provide for a much smaller audience and even changed their customer base to survive.


Change is like a river, why fight it all the time?




Sanford Berenberg



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Friday, June 20, 2008

Message of the Day - Being Discontent and Superficiality

Good Morning,


My current read is Jiddu Krishnamurti’s “Think on These Things” ( I heard about this book from the audio book 50 spiritual classics and it really piqued my interest. Krishnamurti was a Hindu Guru and this book is his comments on modern society back in the 1960’s. His words, though, are timeless.


Early on in the book, in the chapter Creative Discontent Krishnamurti talks about having a flame of discontent burning within you. This discontent is not superficial but in your core. This discontent is not about hearing bad news, or someone upsetting you, rather it is about your true self. If you are not discontent at your core, then you have no incentive to change any part of your life. If you are one of the few people who are truly happy with where everything is in your life, then more power to you, but I have never met someone like that.


Having that inner discontent is the catalyst to creativity, it is the drive to find something new, to change something about yourself or your surroundings. This flame has us looking to books, to clubs or organizations, to do new things, to meet new people and go to new places. These then feed back to our core and help us become more than we are now.


Those superficial complaints, issues, or concerns are truly just that. Sure a bad event can weigh you down and cause you problems, but that is not who you are. People who allow these events to be who they are, hide their true selves from others. They are the anger, the lust, the envy and the other emotions and events that happen to them or they feel. These superficial folks can be toxic to those around them, especially when they try to undermine or stop us from fanning our flame of discontent and trying to grow and become more than we are.


At different times in our lives we may get stuck on things that happen to us an become toxic people, but we can move beyond by letting go of these things and looking for better, and going after it.


Fan your own flame, and move onward in life!




Sanford Berenberg



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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Message of the Day - Reaching Milestones

Good Morning,


Throughout our lives we achieve many things. Some achievements are small, some are large and some are monumental while others are easily overlooked or forgotten shortly after they are completed.


This past Monday I achieved another milestone in my life, and let me tell you, 2008 has been full of them. On Monday I finished my last class in my Masters Program at the University of Phoenix. It did not come with a lot of fanfare, in fact I have not had a moment to sit back and reflect about it until this very moment, several days later.  Yet, it is a milestone I worked very hard for over the last fourteen months. On Tuesday morning, I became an MBA.


It was a long road and I am happy it has come to an end. During the weeks and months during the program I often looked ahead and tell myself: Only seven more classes, only eight more months, only four more classes, only three more months, only one more class, only 3 more weeks, etc. I felt like quitting several times along the way. Class projects and papers came into conflict with other life goals and I had to balance them out. This was the 11th class, it was free, but it was not easy. It was the class on perseverance, the art of sticking to it even when the going gets rough.


I earned more than an MBA over the last year. I gained a lot of experience in dealing with continual requirements of class after class, paper after paper, project after project. In addition to this, I was not in a vacuum, I had a job, family obligations and other organizations keeping busy as well. And then there was my incessant reading going on all the time.


Sticking to it over the long haul to your goal will help you gain more than your goal as well. You pick up a lot along the way, and if you stick with it, the sum of your learning and gain will often be greater than your original plans.


Onward to more milestones!




Sanford Berenberg



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Monday, June 16, 2008

Message of the Day - Tips from a Teacher

Good Morning,


My current read is ‘Teaching to Change Lives’ by Dr. Howard Hendricks ( Dr. Hendricks is a long time teacher and shares seven lessons with his readers on how to change lives.


Some of the points Dr. Hendricks makes in the book are:


  1. Plan and use your own time…or someone else will do it for you. If you chose to do nothing, time still passes by. Things still happen and the day still runs is course. If you have no plans, you still do things, just not the things you planned. It is amazing how it works.


  1. The second point I found interesting is when teaching, do not do the work for the trainees. If they can do something themselves, let them. People remember up to 10% of what they hear, nearly 50% of what they see and up to 90% of what they do. Let them do.


Dr. Hendricks refers to the ‘Don’t Feed the Bears’ signs in the National Wildlife refuges. We remember the cartoons of the begging bears. The reality of it is that bears who are constantly fed by the visitors will eventually forget how to forage for themselves as they become dependent on the handouts. Then the bears starve during the lean months. We saw a little of this at our house. We have five (5) cats, yes, five. One of them is a flaky cat named Spock, yup, named after that Vulcan on Star Trek. Spock would sometimes beg at the table, get nothing and leave. One day, one of my daughters started feeding him at the table. She said it was fine that we, the parents, were too overbearing, ah teenagers! I find it funny that a year later, Spock still comes to the table and bugs her for food, and she shoves him away, now bothered by constant begging. She created the behavior, and he has become somewhat dependent on it.


We create the behaviors in others by our actions. If we train people by doing the learning for them, and take away the learning opportunities, the trainee’s doing and learning, then we do them a great disservice.


Let others learn by their own involvement. As a trainer, ask questions and guide, but the trainees do.


And remember, it is your time, plan and use it your way. Or else someone will do it for you.




Sanford Berenberg



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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Message of the Day - Knowing when to let go and crossing over the barriers

Good Morning,

My most current read is ‘Hesselbein on Leadership’ ( written by Frances Hesselbein, one of the pre-eminent gurus on management and leadership today. I first heard about Mrs. Hesselbein when reading my first Peter Drucker book. He raved about her work in her work as CEO of the Girl Scouts. He then chose her to run his foundation. Other leadership books also point to her work as examples of great leadership. Topping it of, when Jim Collins writes your Forward, that says a lot by me. I really enjoyed this book: it is laid out in sections with each section hold several essays on various subjects.

One of the items that Frances Hesselbein brings up is: knowing when to apply a concept called ‘Planned Abandonment’. That is, knowing when to let something go. What that something is does not matter as much as it no longer serves you or your organization any more. It could be a policy that used to help, that now is now either ignored, or when followed, causes more problems. It could be policy that worked when your customer base was local, and now you have customers worldwide. Many people also hold onto values way longer than they need to.

This concept is corroborated by two other very prominent people as well. Jim Collins, mentioned above, says in ‘Good to Great’ to make a ‘Stop Doing List’ and Marcus Buckingham in ‘The One Thing You Need To Know’ says that the one thing you need to know to achieve sustained personal success is to stop doing those things that detract from your ability to get your job done and achieve success.

Another concept which Mrs. Hesselbein covered was how the separate organizational sectors: government, public businesses, private businesses and non-profit organizations are converging in their use of modern day leadership and boundaryless organizational management. Years ago, how you managed a government office differed greatly from how you managed a Fortune 500 office, but those differences are fading away. Many businesses are crossing the lines to learn from the other areas.

I truly agree with this, and have learned a lot from seeing how a church is lead and managed and have been able to apply concepts from there to my job in a Fortune 500 company. What you read in a book for business can also be easily applied to a non for profit organization and visa versa.

This opens the door to so many possibilities!


Sanford Berenberg


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Friday, June 13, 2008

Message of the Day - Not Going It Alone or Strength in Numbers

Good Morning,


I find that I am a pretty good thinker and planner by myself. I have read many books, went back to college for a Bachelors and MBA and I go to seminars and focus groups and actively participate in work situations which give me opportunities to lead and grow. This though does not make me an island. I am okay by myself, but complimented by others, I am much better. During the crazy days of non-stop action, I try not to lose sight of this.


It is working with other people that my strengths can be used and my influence can reach others. It is here when all that reading and schooling pays off. In fact, most of my ideas and plans come off better when I have had the opportunity to share them with others. Working with others even helps me refine my own thinking. Even if it is only hearing my own words as I say them and reflecting on the facial inflections of those listening to me, having others work with helps me be better.


Going a step further, surrounding yourself with people more brilliant and skilled than you are is always a good plan. Since we do not have signs on our foreheads telling our IQ or how smart we are, try not to rely on stereotypes. Just realize that some people’s brilliance is not seen until they are in action and you see knowledge and skills you never realized existed before. People can amaze you with their ingenuity, just give them the opportunity to try and shine or not. Bouncing ideas off each other and seeing different perspectives can forge great plans from good ones.


No matter how good you are, you will always be better when you work with people who compliment you. Be open to the wisdom and skill of others and try not to pigeon-hole folks into what roles they can play in your life.


The world of possibilities will really open up for anyone who is willing and open to share with and work with others, allowing everyone to be their best and use their strengths.


It is much better than going it alone.





Sanford Berenberg



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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Message of the Day - Moments For Reflection

Good Morning,


With all the chaos going on during this action-packed summer, I am trying hard not to miss the key moments that happen in my life. You know, those times when you stop and reflect that your life has just changed and now you must choose your path from that point forward.


My most memorable of these moments was back in August 14, 1995. That morning at around 9 AM a roof collapsed and fell on me and broke both of my legs. I reached the hospital around 10 AM and waited in the ER for a room until about 7 PM that evening. During that time laying there, in pain, I realized that at that moment, my life had changed. That at that moment, I could not just go back to my life as I knew it. Life had changed, and I had to decide what to do about it.


Rarely do we get those crystal clear moments in life where we can just lay there and say definitively that life had changed.


One of those moments happened to me this past Sunday, June 8, 2008. At 10:35 AM or thereabouts, I publicly professed my acceptance of Christ in the form of baptism. I became a Messianic Jew. This should have been a stellar moment in my life. The other fellow who was baptized was gleaming and beaming afterwards, flying on cloud nine. Me, no, nothing like that. It kind of bewildered me.


Then over the next few hours I realized that part of this lack of an ‘aha’ moment was all the chaos and activity going on in my life. I finish my MBA program in a week and had three papers to write. I am still in the middle of planning my trip to get my Mom out of Mexico. My day job is action-packed, and I am in the middle of a transition to a new role. In two weeks, Karen and I fly to New York City with our daughter for  her  16th Birthday. In August I get to go back to New York as I am blessed to be the best man for my best friends wedding. Most of this is wonderful, but it has taken up a lot of my attention.


When I realized that instead of reflecting on my moment, that I was looking at all of what had to be done, I realized I was robbing myself of my moment. At that moment, the gleaming and beaming started. I was able to reflect and think on how my life had changed and how I was going to go forward.


Life is fast paced, there is almost always something going on.


Don’t let this deny you of your moments of reflection.




Sanford Berenberg



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Monday, June 9, 2008

Message of the Day - True Leaders Continue to Learn how to Lead

Good Morning,


My current read is John C. Maxwell’s ‘21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership’ ( I really like the historical references he uses for each of the 21 laws of people who embody each of the laws.


Two facets of this book really caught my attention. The first is that while we may not all be born natural leaders, we can all learn to embody these different laws and improve our leadership skills. John shares with us people who have learned and become experts in these areas. By leadership skills I mean any time we want to have influence over someone else. Like being a better parent, or team leader or even a member of a team. As John simply says, Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.


The second facet of this book which really impressed me was John saying that he had, at the point of writing this book, been a leader for over 30 years and that he continues to keep learning to this day, and because of this he has become a very good leader and hopes to become even better.


There is no overnight instant leadership pills, Ken Blanchard showed this in the book of the same name. Becoming a good leader takes both learning and practice over time. One of the best ways to drive learning is, well, to read a book.


I remember talking to my eldest daughter this weekend and told her of the dozens of books on leadership I have read, they all have a common theme imbedded in all of them. That theme is READ, and read a LOT. You could do a lot worse then spending your time reading.


To be better in life, remember to read and learn and grow.




Sanford Berenberg



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Friday, June 6, 2008

Message of the Day - The Best Laid Plans or So, What's Plan B?

Good Morning,


Have you ever set plans for anything you wanted to do for your job, or your family or yourself? Have those plans always worked out as you set them? Usually not…


What happens between the brilliant perfect plan we set up the reality we run into when the plan has to change or simply does not work?


The answer; we encounter unforeseen details which eluded us when we originally made our plans. No matter how much we research and plan, we find that there is something that we missed. Of course, the more you plan the less there is that is missed and the better the plan will go. There are many who can take a plan and run it flawlessly, but as they say, no plan is foolproof.


I am working with my Sister to bring my Mother from Mexico back to the US. We started off with a plan to fly her and her pets, and then through research, found we had to change that plan due to the temperature. Next we looked at buses and that plan was nixed due to finding the right line, now it rests on rental cars, but we cannot get just one to go between countries. I know that our plan will continue to change and evolve. When we roll it out, I anticipate there will be hiccups, oversights and problems we will have to overcome.


So how do we deal with such situations?


Making a plan b, or allow for variations in the plan. We can make a back up plan or three. We could have a list of alternatives and when a challenge or problem arises, we can simply change plans. Another tactic is to plan for ambiguity. That is leave holes in the plan on purpose. When you get to that part of the plan, decide what to do with all the information you have at that point and then act. The tighter the plan is, the more that can go wrong, but again, the looser the plan is, the harder it is to manage. So you will need to balance between the two.


In the end, I hope all goes well in Operation Extract Mom from Mexico. We are continuing to research and plan, and putting in contingencies and plan b and c. I will let you know how it goes.




Sanford Berenberg



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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Message of the Day - Calling for Back Up

Good Morning,


Over the last few days, I have been working with my family to resolve a difficult situation. This comes at a time when there is tremendous activities going on personally, with church, college, work and other groups. You know, when it rains it pours. Going it alone was not looking to pleasant or even doable.


I have been blessed with some very smart and capable people in my life. During these rough times, I have simply called my sister, or reached out to a close friend, and the cavalry was on the way. I remember watching the TV shows and movies where the police or military are facing a problem which was more than they could handle, and so what did they do, call in back up.


We too can call in back up when we face problems which are too big for us to embrace alone or even in small groups. There are several steps involved in this, as you all know that there are folks we call on who never show up or when they do, the problem gets ignored or worse, gets exacerbated.


The first step in calling for back up is being able to admit to yourself that you need help. This is rough for many people.


The second is to have people that you have built up a strong rapport with. You know, Dr. Steven Covey’s ‘Seven Habits for Highly Effective People’ emotional bank account. People you have made many deposits to over the years. People who care about you and are willing to step in because you have filled their emotional bank account.


Next, you need to know when to call for help and know what you need help with. There are times when help can be called and all they do is sit around uneasily looking at you waiting for something to do. You have to give clear direction of what type of help you need. It can become like crying wolf if you call for help, and people show up, but you don’t let them know what to help with or when.


Of course there is knowing who to call. Some folks are great in some situations and well, not so much in others. That part you will have to figure out over time.


Calling for back up is the key to success when facing the larger challenges of life. Just remember, you have to create and invest into that field of friends and family for when the call is necessary.




Sanford Berenberg



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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Message of the Day - A key to Understanding

Good Morning,


My current read is “The Tao of Coaching” by Max Landsberg ( It is an allegory, showing the training and developing of a manager into a successful coach.


Early on is a section on asking questions. Max Landsberg says that part of what a good coach does is not just giving information and showing how to perform a task. A good coach will know how to ask good, thought provoking, questions as well. The purpose of asking questions is, of course, to get more information. As a coach, having more information means having more tools and avenues to approach helping your ‘coachee’ or protégé. Questions can pull out hopes, aspirations, as well as frustrations, concerns and past failures.


One of the big mistakes that coaches can make is to think that since they know a lot about a field or subject, that they know what information to give their protégé during their coaching sessions.


In Coaching, as in all areas of life, one size does not fit all. Every person is an individual. Everyone has their specific traits, hopes, desires, fears and concerns. By not catering to this individuality, you end up with giving information which is not best suited or even needed or wanted. How often have you been in a training session or a coaching session, and your coach or trainer goes over a subject that you know. You often become disengaged.


The worst I have ever seen was a personal trainer who I had a meeting with when I joined a gym in Maryland in 2001. We had both just come out of an open house training session with a Chiropractor. The personal trainer then, in our meeting, asked one or two questions and then started covering the SAME information that the chiropractor covered not more than 30 minutes earlier. I tuned out right away, and forgot pretty much anything else he had to say.


The best I have ever seen is Todd Arwood and Hope Stith from Todd Arwood Performance Partners. They ask questions consistently through every training session and keep everyone engaged. I am a huge fan!


Asking Questions is the key!


Asking questions helps you find what is important to your protégé, and helps both of you to stay tuned in and engaged.


Asking questions is a key to understanding!




Sanford Berenberg



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Monday, June 2, 2008

Message of the Day - A slice of happiness

Good Morning,


This past weekend was a whirlwind of activity. Running around, working hard, and hopefully getting a lot accomplished. Amidst this work, I strained muscles, put a crook in my neck and walked around parts of the Louisville in the hot sun doing quick research for my Mom who may be moving back to the States from Mexico.


All the while as I was running around, and pushing through a long list of tasks, I had an inner happiness flowing through me. My work, no matter how menial, like cleaning cat boxes, all had a purpose to benefit those I love and care about.


Happiness can be found in many different places. It does not have to be watching a movie or receiving a gift. It does not even have to be making a dinner for someone or making them a craft item like a drawing or painting.


Happiness can be found in the simple things we do daily. Sweeping the floor brings happiness as those who come after you can walk on a clean floor. Gathering information to help someone make a more informed decision can bring happiness in the reduced frustration someone having more information to chose from.


Happiness can be in combing a cat, or giving a hug. Try not to look too hard, because happiness is not always some deep concept. It is often right there in front of us.


Whatever your plans are for today, enjoy your slice of happiness, it is right there for you.




Sanford Berenberg



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