Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Message of the Day - Wasted Passions

Good Morning,


This morning, a radio announcer started talking about a new cause which the government is pushing and what we have to do to stop it or some group is going to be hurt. He goes into this seeming tirade of all the pain and troubles this will cause us and before we know it, we are getting heated and passionate about helping this cause. They need our help NOW! So we find ourselves jotting down the phone number to call or website to visit and before we know we are angry at someone or some group and ready to go to battle to champion this cause.


The next day, we wonder what it was all about. It was as if our passions were hijacked and we got involved in a cause which we really are not that interested in and now maybe we have committed ourselves financially or through volunteer work to help out something that is not core to our beliefs.


Maybe we are still passionate about the cause, or maybe we have wasted our passion and have a pile of bills and obligations to fulfill.


Wouldn’t be great if we could simply turn on and off our passions?


That when we hear someone else’s war cry to join a cause that we simply put up a shield which protects our passions from being hijacked and then use mind, our heart and prayer to determine if we want to join the cause or make a commitment or not.


I have had to draw the line after helping a few charitable organizations out with a few small donations. It seems my name and address was sold off and now I get letters from dozens of groups looking for money. I feel terrible about not supporting each and every one of them. The animal protection groups hurt the most when I cannot help them, seeing the photos of all the hurt and neglect and worse that these animals have to endure.


My wife, Karen, and I got together and listed the groups that we do support. Turns out we make regular donations to five animal based charities, and give materials and our daughter donates her time to an animal shelter. In this light, when I get these new letters I do not feel so bad. While I cannot help them all, we are helping nearly half a dozen of them.


I also set up regular donations taken from my bank account to go to two worthy groups, Desire Street Ministries and The Steward’s Staff, based here in Louisville. I also joined the Advisory Board for the Steward’s Staff and help by giving my time, experience and network connections.


By involving myself in these groups, I can better protect myself from the onslaught of requests for help that inevitably come from helping one or two groups out.


My passions to help are less like to be hijacked by the radio guy or solicitation letters in the mail because I can simply look at what I AM doing now to help others. Sure I will not be able to help everyone, no one can, but I am making a difference in the lives of some people.


And if each of us does that, then we all will be helping many other people in many places in the world.


Wouldn’t that be a great place to live in?


Why not start now?


If you need help looking, give me a shout and I will help you find places who would love your help.




Sanford Berenberg ß-Cick here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"



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