Sunday, September 6, 2009

Message of the Day - Pride in Our Own Culture

Good Morning,


On Saturday I was Louisville’s World Fest celebration, working at the Scottish Society of Louisville’s table (I am currently the President of the Society). One of the activities of World Fest is a Parade of Cultures. The Louisville Pipe and Drum band led the way. I love bagpipes and drums, and it always puts a smile on my face to see and hear them. Behind the band was the Mayor Louisville and some other dignitaries followed by representatives of the many different countries in attendance.


The countries were ordered by continent and region. Each country was very colorful and you could easily so how these people had planned for this parade by the songs they sang and the banners they carried and the clothes they wore. Seeing the pride that each group had for their home country was mesmerizing.


We tend to forget that beyond the nightly news and the political leanings of each country’s leaders that there are people who are very proud of their culture and heritage. I remember seeing it in the smiles and gleaming eyes of many of the groups representing nearly 70 countries marching by.


What a warm and beautiful feeling seeing all of these people sharing their national pride with us who were able to enjoy the parade.


The one nation not represented in the parade of cultures was America as this event was held in America. And we too should have a lot of pride in our nation. We should look past the nightly news and the political leanings of the day and remember what our nation is about, how we got here and all the blessings we have. Sure there is good and bad going on now and many of these events have happened in our past, but at our core, these individual events do not define us.


As those who have lived in the past define our past, we, who live now, define our present.


Take pride in being an American, and no matter what the flavor of the day is in Washington or your state capital, know that we, just like all the people in the parade, can be proud of our culture.


There is so much to be proud of.


Then with that national pride in mind, let’s get back to the business of the day, never forgetting that we like all those who marched for their countries, are part of a great nation too.





Sanford Berenberg ß-Cick here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"








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