Monday, September 7, 2009

Message of the Day - Cheating Ourselves

Good Morning,


When I was in the Boy Scouts I had a meteoric rise in rank from Scout up to Life (the one just before Eagle Scout) in a few short years, but then I languished at that rank for years. Then, finally, I got my butt in gear about a year before I was 18, which is the cut off for Boy Scouts. I planned, carried out and finished my Eagle project and then planned on getting the Bronze Palm, an award you can get 6 months after you earn Eagle if you earn 6 additional merit badges. There was enough time in the filing of my Eagle paperwork and getting the Palm about 8 months. Unfortunately the paperwork languished for three months before I was awarded Eagle, and this killed my chance for the Palm.


For years I blamed the system for taking too long, but in reality, it was my own fault for letting the years slip by languishing.


If I had just gotten off of my rump and did the work I knew I could do, I would have earned not only the Bronze Palm, but possibly other badges, honors and such.


The lack of doing was not due to any limitations on my part. It was due to my losing focus on what my goals were. Basically I allowed myself to be side tracked for several years in Scouting. Other, often frivolous goals became my focus and I let years go by before I got back on track.


How often do we cheat ourselves of the precious time we have on this planet? I often say to myself, one more game of solitaire on the iPhone or one more look at Facebook, and next thing you know, there are 10 more minutes eaten up.


Sure we can justify this use of time as ‘de-stressing’ or ‘chilling’ or whatever, and there are times when we truly need to do this. The rub is that we often lump many more reasons into justifying why we don’t get moving and getting the job done.


How much more could we have done if we did not throw away that time… Well, don’t answer that. It is too depressing.


Rather, lets look at this moment forward and agree with each other that we will spend a little less time on Facebook, or playing solitaire or watching TV, or whatever we do that we really should not be do so much of.


If we can save only two minutes a day with this, it will add up. That is nearly 12 hours a year, or nearly a full day earned back every two years.


What could we do with that amount of found time?


Let’s stop cheating ourselves of this precious time which flows away from us no matter what we do.




Sanford Berenberg ß-Cick here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"





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