Sunday, August 10, 2008

Message of the Day - When are at your best, get better

Good Morning,


Welcome new recipients!!


Coach John Wooden ( preaches working toward operating at our best, consistently, no matter what we do. When we get to our best, it is not a time to stop and coast and enjoy our accolades. It’s a time to find a way to get even better; and there is always room for improvement. Searching how to find out what to do better, and where to learn it from then become the big challenge facing making our best even better. Along this path Coach Wooden remains firm on holding true to our values. Everything we do should conform to our values. When we give in to temptation or try to skirt around our values, it usually comes back to bite us. Holding fast to our values builds character, and we all can use some more of that. Work hard to improve, but do not sacrifice your values along the way.


No one is perfect, certainly not me, and certainly not anyone I know today. When we forget this, we run into problems. One of my leadership heroes has personally acted less than heroic to two of my friends when interacting with them personally. If I ever had the opportunity to meet this hero, I would tell them how much I appreciate their work, and then suggest that they might further reflect on their own works due to those they have hurt and probably did not realize it. The damage done to your reputation due to acting like you have arrived can do a lot of damage.


Accepting that we are all fallible takes a lot of effort at times. Once we can get there and honestly look at ourselves and see where we are, we can get on with the task of finding ways to make our best even better. Please remember, when we get even better, we still have not arrived; we are just better and can still improve.


Coach Wooden talks about how he would contact the coaches who beat his team and tried to learn from them. I have networked with those who do what I want to do and joined several organizations so that I can learn from them. Due to this arrangement, I am getting better in many areas of my life. Even still, I have a long way to go in many others. Getting better does take time and effort, and it is worth it.


I enjoy improving. Learning and working with those I can learn from as well as those I can help is great, but never forget, when we are at our best, our next move is to find out how to get better. Find out who to talk to, what to read and what to do and follow through.





Sanford Berenberg



PS: If you know others who may enjoy this message of the day, please pass this message on or invite them to receive them themselves by sending a request to me. If you wish to stop receiving these, please also let me know. Thank you!!!




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