Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Message of the Day - The Land of I Can

Good Morning,


A few weeks ago I went to the Library, part of my exercise at work, and picked up some short books from the self-help, inspirational section. One of these books was a short book called “The Land of I Can: An Adventure in Life” by Susan L. Gilbert (http://www.thelandofIcan.com ). It is a powerfully concise book, well illustrated by Jill E. Holden on getting to the land of I Can.


What is the Land of I Can? To me it is the place where we can do what we long to do, and to be happy doing it. It is the place of positive attitudes and the success that comes from them, when you stick with it, even through the rough times. Every time you start taking several steps toward being positive, the world often dumps a pile of bricks on you to set you back. And what do we do? We blame trying to have a positive attitude rather than facing the bricks and obstacles and keep going.


The Land of I Can is fun and inspiring. Susan takes us through several different lands for those having challenges taking that first step to the Land of I Can. There is the land of Apathy, the Land of Fear, the Land of Sorrow, and the Land of Ashes, which all represent places we can and often do get ourselves stuck in when we make our way toward the Land of I Can. I really enjoyed this little, yet powerful, book.


The trip can be short. The trip can also take a lifetime if you let it. It can be made in a few steps if you find out what you want to do, and then, here is the kicker, you do it. You do not worry about it, you do not question how, you simply do it. Of course if your goal is to walk through walls, make sure there is an open doorway before you go for it. The world around us will often work out the problems and obstacles when we truly decide to enter the Land of I Can. Have you ever noticed that? You decide to do something and you know there are problems and issues out there that will have to be addressed, and often as you start your journey, you find out some or all of these issues have resolved themselves?  I am seeing it more and more in my journey.


The Land of I Can is a great place to be, there is no need for sunlight because all of the light comes from us, and we can see clear as day. People in the Land of I Can are not afraid, full of sorrow, or apathy because they take the little steps to do the things that make them happy, and their hearts soar!


The best news is that all of us can enter the Land of I Can. It starts with just taking a few small steps. Find out what we want to do and take the small steps toward doing it. A few years ago when I was looking for jobs with my Associates Degree and getting rejection after rejection, I never thought I would have a graduate degree until I decided to start walking to the Land of I Can and enrolled in college and earned my Bachelors, took a year off and then earned my Masters. There were many reasons to say I could not do this, no money, no job, no time, I am moving, etc., but I chose the path to I Can, and I Did.


So can you.





Sanford Berenberg






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