Good Morning,
My current read is ‘Your Truth: Know It, Speak It, Live It’ by Eileen R. Hannegan ( This book talks about improving your personal and professional life by focusing on knowing what the truths in your life are and eliminating illusion to find out the true you. Then learning to speak those truths and finally live them, to walk your talk. One of the hardest areas that I see in gaining authenticity in our lives is being able to speak our minds and get what we want to say off our chests. You know, telling someone how you truly feel about something or some action or some person, opposed to ‘sucking it up’ just not saying anything.
My 16 year old daughter yesterday talked about wanting to live in an ‘anarchistic’ environment where people could do and say what they want because she did not like the rules attached to living in today’s society (she is looking to enter the workforce for the first time and reading the rules and regulations on a job application). One of the points I brought up to her was that there are repercussions for everything we do and say. Just like a bullet cannot be recalled after you pull the trigger and the slug leaves the casing: words and actions cannot be unsaid or undone. You can repair, but not undo. In anarchy, there are no rules, but there are still repercussions for actions, and these repercussions, not having rules themselves, are usually worse than those in rules-driven societies.
Going back to the book, many times what we want to say, we hold back for fear of the repercussions of saying these words. Some folks, and we all know them, have no problem saying what they need to say and moving on, happy and relieved while they leave a smoking wasteland of hurt feelings and repressed anger. Society labels them as not being ‘PC’ and socially unacceptable, etc., but these folks are more true to themselves than those who hide behind the rules of Political Correctness and trying to make everyone happy.
Being truthful to ourselves then faces many challenges when we wish to speak our truths to others. We need to be aware of the consequences of our words. How they will be taken? What will be the impact? We need to know what is the net-effect of saying these words between the benefit of saying them versus the consequences of speaking them.
Yet, those who do not speak their mind also may have negative effects as well. People who hold in their emotions for years and years tend to erupt when they have embraced one too many stressful situations or heard one too many enervating speeches or watched something that really upsets them. This can lead to or cause life threatening medical issues.
Our goal is to find the happy medium between the two. To be able to speak our truths to those who need to hear them and in a manner which will be least offensive, and yet not to open the floodgates and drive people away with our endless venting of what is the truth to us.
Something to think about!
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