Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Message of the Day - Accuracy with Proximity

Good Morning,


Welcome new recipients.


I have been chugging along with a book, ‘Point Man’ by Steve Ferrar as a secondary book. This book covers family life and a father’s role in the family. My message today has nothing to do with this.


In one of the sections, Steve talks about his bowling. He says that he maintains a 285 average. Okay…. Then he said, this is when he bowls from 15 feet away from the pins (one quarter of the normal lane distance).  He then goes on to say that when he starts at the normal spot, his average drops dramatically.


His point is the closer you are to something, the more accurate you can be with it. Additionally, the further away you get from something, the less accurate you will be.


Have you ever been confronted by a problem that looked like a horrid mess? I know I have. When I was assigned to lead the Dispute Resolutions Team at Heartland, I saw a blur instead of a department. I was overwhelmed and distant. Over the next few months, I got closer, I dove in. As I became closer to the processes and policies of the department, I was seeing it for what it was. It was still huge and intimidating, but it was manageable through being closer to the core. My initial thoughts of running the unit were eventually thrown out as I gained a more accurate and realistic understanding of the team with fantastic results.


Like pretty much anything else in life, the closer you get to an issue or problem, the more you can understand it and the more accurate you can be in dealing with it.


If you are having problems in an area, try to get closer to it to see it more clearly (of course without putting yourself in harms way).


Accuracy increases with Proximity!




Sanford Berenberg


http://sanfordberenberg.blogspot.com/  ß Check out the new Blog site



PS: If you know others who may enjoy this message of the day, please pass this message on or invite them to receive them themselves by sending a request to me. If you wish to stop receiving these, please also let me know. Thank you!!!







Anonymous said...

Hey Sanford! OK, I gathered the courage to actually use your blog rather than send you personal Emails... I heard something that touched me the other day and I thought I'd share. Every time Roseanne Carter-Cash was asked how she was, she replied "OH, just trying to make a difference". How powerful it would be if we got up every morning and asked ourselves "How can I make a markable difference today?". I have been doing it for the past two weeks and it has definitely raised my self-esteem and if you believe in the teachings of "The Secret" as I do, you can start your day by telling yourself you're thankful for the difference you're going to make in yours and someone else's life today! Have a great day...

Sanford Berenberg said...

This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing and making a difference today!
