Sunday, April 13, 2008

Message of the Day - What Will They Say About You

Good Morning,


Yesterday I attended the funeral for a cousin. He had fallen off a roof of a second story building in December and remained in a coma until last Wednesday when he passed. At his funeral, there were many many people there to pay their respects and share their love for Perry Alberhasky and his family.


The eulogies were given by his three daughters and his pastor. Each one told of how loving and caring this man was and all that he had done for everyone. He helped others when asked and was a quiet gentleman with a good sense of humor. I met Perry shortly after moving to Louisville in early 2004. He was a nice, calm and happy man. He came to Karen and my wedding in 2005, and was a delight. We asked Perry to help us with our roof in 2007, and he came out and did a great job. He was a professional in his work, and warm caring man in the man he was. His pastor told of when he first sought to enter the seminary, and had one major concern. He was afraid to do funerals. He told his minister who told him he would be fine, that he would not know most of the people he did the service for. The pastor then said tearfully, he wished that minister could be here now. Such was the impact Perry had on others.


Seeing how this man, this simple, calm, humble man touched so many and was there to help out, makes me think about all that we do in our every day lives. That is, when all of our lives work is finished and we make that final transition what will be said about us. Will people say we were kind, helpful, or not so many words.


Most of us do not know when our time will come, but what we do with this time, how we treat others, how we make a difference in this world is entirely up to us. Dr. Randy Pausch knows his time is coming shortly. He has beaten the Dr’s estimates, and still works hard to help others and share hope for Cancer patients. You can learn more at his website:


I will never forget Perry, and the wonderful person he was. Knowing that there are people like Perry and Dr. Pausch out in the world makes it easier for all of us who work hard to help others whenever we can and know that it does make a difference, and that people do care.


Let me know if I can help you. So we can all keep helping others.




Sanford Berenberg  ß Check out the new Blog site



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