Monday, April 7, 2008

Message of the Day - Butterfly Effect at Work

Good Morning,


Many of us have heard of the ‘Butterfly Effect’ (no, not the movie). It basically says that a butterfly flapping its wings can lead to hurricane force winds hitting Florida, or in other terms, a snowball effect starting with a small action and building and building until it is something huge.


I have seen small actions by individuals start that butterfly effect. People who decide to do something, maybe to help their community, and share their idea with a few friends. Nothing fancy. Then someone sees the flier, loves the idea and builds on it. Next the success of the latest action reaches more people and other communities become aware and start their own. Over the course of several years, this one act to help could reach hundreds of thousands or even millions of people. How many community programs or activities started from one or a few people just getting together and starting something? Ask the even organizers and you may be amazed.


So what does this mean to today’s message? Besides everything J


It means that when you want to accomplish something, you don’t always have to plan big or start big to get your big results. By pursuing your goals, by sharing your ideas and showing the benefits of your actions, you can cause a cascade effect which brings your actions and ideas to many, many others. It may not, and usually doesn’t, happen overnight, but big things can come from small acts.


Small things do lead to big things. Believe in yourself and have patience.




Sanford Berenberg  ß Check out the new Blog site



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