Friday, April 18, 2008

Message of the Day - Seize the Day, Heck, Seize the Moment

Good Morning,


I recently finished Randy Pausch’s new book “The Last Lecture” and enjoyed Randy’s zest for life. Randy, if you are unaware is dying of Pancreatic Cancer. He was a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University.  I, no doubt like millions others, starting tearing up at the end of the book when he related at the end of the lecture, his wife Jai came up and hugged him and whispered in his ear, ‘Please don’t die’.


It is hard to imagine someone so alive, so full of life with so little time left to live.


Robin Williams brought the concept home in the ‘Dead Poets Society’ when he had his students looking at photos of college students long since passed on and whispered ‘Carpe Diem’.  Sieze the Day!


Life is too short to be wasted. Our time is precious.


I am a flawed man in a flawed world. One of my challenges is keeping all of my to do’s in mind as I go about life. I have increased my organizational skills and on some levels reduced my activities, but life comes at me full force, and hundreds of little and not so little to do’s come daily. And I mess up from time to time and do not meet deadlines. Some will say that I hit all the big deadlines, but if I agree on doing something, then it is a big deadline to someone.


As I look to seize the day, I am trying to balance what is important with what is not so important and both achieve what I promise both to myself and others, and at the same time, not let slip the wonderful moments of life.


Remember, every minute comes to us only once. Make the best use of it.




Sanford Berenberg  ß Check out the new Blog site



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