Thursday, December 18, 2008

Message of the Day - Sticking to your guns

Good Morning,


My current read, book number 101 for the year, is about President Andrew Jackson. I have learned some things about his life and presidency, but wanted to know more, so I found a book on him at the public library.


Andrew Jackson did not have it easy by any means throughout his life, and this was not just because life was harder in the first half of the 1800’s in America. Jackson was a very passionate and driven man who fought for his values and stuck to his values through thick and thin, even if it hurt him and even if it made mistakes because of it. His honor and knowing that he was doing what he felt to be right was the most important facet of lift to him. Jackson followed his values, and when someone on his team went against one of those values, doing something Jackson did not approve of, Jackson would remove that person.


During his rise to prominence he had many detractors, folks who worked very hard to undermine, stop and denounce him both during his days as a General for the United States and during his political career. Some of these detractors used tactics to cause harm to the nation to punish Andrew Jackson and his decisions. One major incident was his Veto on a bill to renew the charter of the Second Bank (the first Bank, founded by Alexander Hamilton had been shut down around 1818 or so).  John C. Calhoun, Jackson’s Vice President had started attacking the President while in office, and the Senate, under Henry Clay relentlessly went after Jackson.


The Second bank had four years left in its charter when the bill was sent for renewal. The leader of the Bank and his supporters and allies knew that the veto would come, and that it would not be very popular with Americans. The timing of the vote was during Jackson’s bid for re-election to President. When Jackson gave the veto, the Bank reacted by reducing the amount of credit it would give and called back many of its outstanding loans and put a real hurt on the United States economy.


Jackson, as we all know, won re-election and was able to shut down the Second Bank as well as do many other great things for our nation. He had a lot of issues and challenges which in today’s world which we would not approve of.


Overall, driven by hatred of the British, the fear of the Indians (Native Americans) being used by the British to foment rebellion in the US and by supporting States Rights Jackson did what he felt he should do, even when it cost him elections, friendships and his health.


I am inspired by the great legacy of the man and hope to learn more about the great people in our world’s colorful history.




Sanford Berenberg



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