Saturday, December 6, 2008

Message of the Day - Everything We Need

Good Morning,

Welcome New Recipients!

My current read is a book by Dr. Abraham Maslow: ‘Religions, Values, and Peak-Experiences’ ( After learning about the Hierarchy of Needs many different times in my life, it was neat to finally read from the man himself.

The Peak-Experiences that Dr. Maslow talks about are those when we have an epiphany or feel the touch of God in our lives. Some of us have had the benefit of such a ‘WOW’ feeling that touches every fiber in our being. It has happened to me several times and in different places and situations.

Throughout the book I kept seeing a single theme coming up. What Dr. Maslow talks about in this book is that we, as humans, have the ability to generate this amazing feeling within ourselves in addition to those times when we are touched.

Those of us who have never had such a single moment in our lives need not worry, in that we are made in such a way that we too can achieve these amazing states of being through many different ways or methods. There is not just one way.

Following the teachings of Tony Robbins, it is possible for us to actually generate these amazing states without ourselves and even learn to call up upon demand. Having been to a Tony Robbins event, I can say that at the climax of his program, I was certainly there, in the zone. Below is a photo my friend, Irina, snapped of me during the Tony Robbins event. Feel the Energy!!

This was the same feeling I had when I accepted Christ into my life, just an amazing all pervasive feeling.

If two such vastly different experiences in ones life can bring the same feeling of awe and happiness and power into our lives, then as Dr. Maslow says, we can bring these feelings into our lives as well. Please note I am not trying to convey any sort of religious message, but explaining the physical and mental feelings themselves.

Of course, just sitting by idly waiting for that feeling to come to us is probably not going to happen. We need to go out there and explore life for ourselves. We need to surround ourselves with people who do what we want to do at a level higher than we can do it. We need to keep learning and growing. We need to be positive and supportive to ourselves. We need to open our hearts to the Lord and welcome whatever he sends us. We need to get off our butts and do something.

The good news is that beyond going and doing, we have all the ingredients already within us to produce these amazing states of being. In other words, no batteries required.

And that is good news! Now get out there!


Sanford Berenberg


PS: If you know others who may enjoy this message of the day, please pass this message on or invite them to receive them themselves by sending a request to me. If you wish to stop receiving these, please also let me know. Thank you!!!

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