Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Message of the Day - A time for caution and a time for action

Good Morning,


Last night at the Scottish Society of Louisville meeting, I read a news article from the online newspaper. The article talked about a man, Donald Boyne, who saved a drowning woman against the advice of the local police.


Yeah, that shocked me too, but I read on.


Turns out the teenage woman had jumped into Aberdeen Harbour and was drowning in freezing water. The police were ordered not to jump in and were getting a buoyancy aid to save the woman without endangering themselves, otherwise exercising caution.


Donald Boyne ignored the warning and dove in and saved the woman just before she slipped under the ice. He knew that something had to be done, it was a time for action, not caution. Mr. Boyne succeeded in saving the young lady.


Like this incident, there are times to be cautious and there are times to act (hopefully we do not have to encounter these extreme incidents too often). The hard part is knowing which is which. Luckily there will be times when that ‘gut’ feeling tells you when to act. It takes time, effort and trial and error to understand your ‘gut’ feelings, but it is worth it.


Caution can be good, but it can also stop you from taking advantage of what can be done now.


Donald Boyne was awarded the Royal Humane Testimonial from the Royal Humane Society. He knew he had to do something to save somebody’s daughter.


What will you earn when you just know you have to take action?




Sanford Berenberg



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