Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Message of the Day - Religion Does Not Make You Weak

Good Morning,


Over the last few weeks I spent some time with friends from a social organization I am a part of. I used to be a firebrand in that group, working at all levels, usually simultaneously and charging off to fight one cause after another. I have distanced myself from that group and engaged in other endeavors like the local Scottish Society, my Home Owners Association, Toastmasters, IABC, GLI and other groups. Also during this time I got religion and I love it. One side effect of my walk with Christ is that I have been calmer, more insightful and I am not so much a firebrand as my days of old.


Some of my associates have taken my calmer, more loving nature as me being a weaker person overall. You know, Sanford the Firebrand has gone soft. While I am not as impulsive as I used to be, I have channeled my energies and passion into many different endeavors including my family, work, local charities, my church and my walk with God.


When I see the need to stand up and take action, oddly, I find I have more energy and drive than I did in the past. I am still very passionate, but I am also more focused in life and have been getting a lot more out of life every day. I do see that I am not tackling the world’s problems daily like I used to, but when I do stand up, I stand taller and firmer than I have ever done so before. I have also found when I stop myself, and think through and pray for guidance, that more times than not, my charge for whatever is not necessary. And when I need to make a stand, I can do so without being dispersed, exhausted and spent.


It takes a lot of strength and humility to not let your ego get the best of you run off and fight the little battles. Save your energies for those causes that truly matter.


Religion has made me stronger, not weaker.




Sanford Berenberg





PS: If you know others who may enjoy this message of the day, please pass this message on or invite them to receive them themselves by sending a request to me. If you wish to stop receiving these, please also let me know. Thank you!!!



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