Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Message of the Day - A Bad Experience Can Lead to a New Opportunity!

Good Morning,


Over this past weekend Karen and I visited with some old friends and in a bizarre way made new friends. A situation which could have escalated out of control was turned around to see everyone’s better side and loving nature.


Instead of focusing on what happened, we looked at who was involved and as shared in the book “Managing From the Heart”, we looked at the loving intentions of others and saw wonderful people.


How often do we get involved in arguments or stressful situations where we key in on and only focus on the negative and avoid seeing the bigger picture?


How many lost opportunities to make new friends or create a win-win situation do we miss out on?


In every negative situation, there is often an opportunity for something positive to come from it.


Keep an eye out for it even during the heat of the moment.




Sanford Berenberg





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