Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Message of the Day - Are You Being Good? Are You Sure?

Good Morning,


I recently read that some people have a different viewpoint of what is considered to ‘be good’. That what some consider to ‘be good’ may not be something that we feel is ‘being good’. And if that is the case, is their good, really good, or for that matter, is our good really good?


In my current read “How Good Is Good Enough” by Andy Stanley (, there is a section where he talks about how missionaries were sharing the gospel with a people group who held betrayal in high esteem. That is, these peoples thought it was good to get into the good graces of others then the ‘stab them in the back’ figuratively. In this case, these folks thought Judas Iscariot was the hero.


These peoples saw this behavior as good. They esteemed this behavior and people who exhibited it. Although this is not a feeling or value I share with these people, but it makes me think.


There are many different perspectives held by many different people, and often the viewpoints held by others do not match those we hold. This means what we consider to ‘be good’ may not, in fact, be thought of as ‘being good’ by others. What we think of that is ‘the bomb’ may be a dud to others.


Assuming that what we hold as important and valuable to us may actually not be important at all to others, and at the same time, what we hold as unimportant may be all important to others.


This also ties into customs. Dr. Todd Arwood shared with me that when giving business cards to a person from Japan, it should be treated reverently, and held in its own case. To the Japanese the business card is a revered item, and to pull it out of your wallet where you keep everything else, demeans it, and thus demeans you in their eyes.


So what does this all mean?


It means that we need to get a better understanding between us and the other people we deal with if we are to truly communicate and work with them. This does not mean that we have to agree with everything that the others we deal with believe, but we should make the effort to at least understand what they are thinking.


Get passed assumptions and work toward understanding. It will help clear up many many issues, like ‘being good’.




Sanford Berenberg



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