Monday, September 1, 2008

Message of the Day - When Helping Others Hurts

Good Morning & Happy Labor Day!


Karen and I love bird watching. We have set up several feeders outside of our kitchen window so we can watch them feed while we are eating. It is very relaxing. A few months back we set up a hummingbird feeder just outside the window and now it is hummingbird central with hummingbirds showing up more often than not. The feeder also attracts bees. The last batch of hummingbird food I put out, I did not seal the feeder as well as I could have and as many as 20 – 30 bees hung on the feeder and the hummingbirds had to negotiate getting food with the bees, and often they were successful.


When I went to change the nearly empty feeder, I needed a plan to get the bees away from the feeder. So I brought out a spray bottle with water and sprayed the bees until they left the feeder. It did not harm them, but confused them at little. It took a bit, and I was able to get the bees off and get the feeder back into the house where I cleaned and refilled it. The next challenge was to get the feeder back out into the yard without getting stung. So I felt like King Kong as I maneuvered the feeder back onto the hanger and spraying the angry bees who want their food. I was successful in not getting stung, but what an ordeal, to give these bees some food.


Many of us have experienced times when we have helped others only to have our helpful actions come back to bite us. We do something that is needed and even requested of us, and in return we are criticized, yelled at or worse. After enough times of this we wonder if the help we are doing is even worth the aggravation of it all. How many times will I be ducking bees to feed them?


If what you are doing is important and you feel is truly necessary, try to communicate that to those you are helping. If they still do not want your help, or cause you a lot of grief when you give it, then see about finding other means to help them. Ask someone else or find a service or something other to help those who need it.


If what you are doing is not helping others, but only you, making you feel good, maybe you should rethink your motives. It’s a great feeling helping others, especially when you see how they benefit from the help (and even better when they do not know who helped and you don’t see the effect of your actions). Just try to remember why you are helping; is it to help a need or to get that feeling?


Helping others is one of my greatest joys, but I have been learning when not to help as well so that I do not offend or overstep my bounds. It is a tough lesson to learn, but in the long run, you are able to focus your help where it is truly needed.





Sanford Berenberg



PS: If you know others who may enjoy this message of the day, please pass this message on or invite them to receive them themselves by sending a request to me. If you wish to stop receiving these, please also let me know. Thank you!!!




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