Thursday, September 25, 2008

Message of the Day - Thinking To Get What You Want

Good Morning,


My current read is ‘Secrets of The Millionaire Mind’ by T. Harv Eker ( He talks about how we think affects how wealthy we are and can be. I find the book very straightforward and at the same time it is giving me some surprises which have caused me to think about how I think about money and wealth. The biggest takeaway so far is that we have to think the way we want to be.


This sounds very familiar. How about the Law of Attraction, Creative Visualize, Power of Positive Thinking, the Strangest Secret, to name a few similar concepts. All of these people saying the same thing: Think as if you have what you want, and it will come to you.


This brings us back to Henry Ford’s famous quote: ‘If you think you can or if you think you can’t. Either Way you are right’. Look at this quote again with one of the concepts from above. What you think about is what you become or what you have. The key word is have, not want.


If you keep ‘wanting’ it, you will get what you ask for, which is wanting it. If you have it, in your mind, you visualize having it and using it, etc., you will more likely get that, what you want.


To be what you want, you have to visualize it. A great way to visualize your goals is to use affirmations and declarations which are written notes which state what you want and your goals an dreams. Read them every day, read them every night. Put them around your house to help you focus.


A friend of mine Dr. Todd Arwood told one of his training classes when he worked for his Doctorate, he kept notes to himself to constantly focus him on getting his goal. Whenever he had something that would conflict with his work, he looked at his affirmations around his home and became refocused. It is not surprising he obtained his goal of earning his Doctorate.


I keep mine with my morning readings so that I read it every day, without fail. It seems to be helping as life is opening opportunities for me. Let me know if you want help with crafting your own affirmations or declarations.




Sanford Berenberg



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