Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Message of the Day - Counting to 10

Good Morning,


Have you ever had those days where your blood is boiling and you face is red and you feel like you’re going to explode? You know, things just don’t seem to go right, you’ve become a klutz dropping everything, your mind is failing you like you walk into a room and forget why you are in there. People are running late, and the computer is acting up again…..


The list can go on and on. Often times the littlest of things at that point will send us over the edge. As powerful people, we also make powerful mistakes. So when we do go over the edge, it usually takes us a long time and a lot of effort to fix when we broke, apologize for who we insulted, and otherwise make up for the damage we caused for crossing that line in angered action.


What can we do when the entire world is just out to get us and nothing we do seems to have any impact? Here are a few thoughts. Some are pretty deep, some pretty silly and some may make you just explode… just kidding.


1. Think of something funny. If you are by a computer, go to You Tube and bring up a funny clip from your favorite show. One of mine is from Saturday Night Live, the classic years with Steve Martin and Bill Murray called ‘What the Hell is that?’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACB_Dwzkew4


2. Take a moment and crack a joke. Nothing short circuits the raging mind than catching yourself and others off guard with a short joke. Be kind! Mean jokes don’t work the way you think.


3. Think of someone or something that makes you happy. For one person I know, thinking about their children gives them an ear to ear grin and the frustration fades fast.


4. Get yourself out of the location you are in, if possible. Go for a walk, go around the building, or down the road a piece (sounds Southern, right!) If you are in a confined space, like on an airplane, go to the rest room, but don’t try to jump out of the plane, that most likely will make your day worse, as well as those others on the plane with you.


5. Call a friend who loves you. Hearing a familiar voice on the other line can work miracles. My hotline is my best friend, Dr. Howard Salob, DC.


6. Short circuit your mind by watching some cartoons or a sitcom or something that is totally off topic for what is upsetting you. If it is the TV upsetting you, don’t try this step. Go back to number one and try the computer, or try number 7 below.


7. Read a book, a poem, or something inspirational. I highly recommend either ‘Unstoppable’ by Cynthia Kersey or any of the ‘Chick Soup For Your Soul’ books.


8. Yell into a pillow. Hold on tight, and remember to let go, you could smother yourself if you are really angry. Paper bags do not work well, everyone can hear you and some will think you are hyperventilating instead of just venting.


9. Do something silly. Skip around the room. Hop up and down in place. Do some jumping jacks. Practice bizarre facial expressions.


10. If all else fails, and there is many other things you can try, count to ten…slowly.


The world is a great place if you let it be. And remember, every day you wake up is a blessing. Don’t let anger and frustration ruin a potentially great day (and EVERY day can be great!).




Sanford Berenberg






PS: If you know others who may enjoy this message of the day, please pass this message on or invite them to receive them themselves by sending a request to me. If you wish to stop receiving these, please also let me know. Thank you!!!



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