Sunday, July 11, 2010

Message of the Day - What Did I Learn Today?

Good Morning,
Each day, I spend time reading, listening to the radio, spend time emailing, chatting, and performing other electronic interactions, speaking to others, and more importantly, listening to others. I do the work assigned to me and try to keep my regular duties up to date both in the office and in my other activities. I try to fit in time for a meal here and there and some time with the family at the end of the day (it will be both morning and evening, when school starts again).
At the end of each day, I consider it a good day if there is at least one thing that I learned that day.
Beyond finding that one or more things I have learned, I try to reflect on these new bits of wisdom and knowledge.
When I reflect, I am thinking about what I have learned and what it means to me. I consider what can I do with it, how can I use this information to help others. I also think about how knowing this information will impact my life, if at all.
Sadly, a lot of what goes into my brain on a daily basis seems to march out on its own. And no, I don't think duct tape over all over my noggin will help to reduce the amount of info loss.
By reflecting at night, I can better visualize what I have learned and make it part of my repertoire of information. And as I do this each day, the amount of knowledge gained grows.
With all the knowledge that goes in I sometimes think about Johnny Mnemonic ( and whether my head will someday explore with too much info.
What I have found, though, is the more I learn, the more I can know. The more I put into my brain, the more is there for me to ponder and reflect on. There may be no logical limit to what we can know.
But it all starts with learning something new each and every day, or as I like to say, Learn and Grow Daily!
Each day, learn, and each evening, reflect on what you learned.
It is a recipe for continual growth each and every day.
Enjoy!  Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"



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