Sunday, November 29, 2009

Message of the Day: Life Lessons from Sand Castles

Good Morning,

I have been listening to some audio messages from Bob Gass ( and one jumped out at me. Bob Gass was talking about Sandcastles and how life is like building sandcastles and how they crumble when the tide comes in. He shared how life is like a Sandcastle and the differences between how people embrace the inevitable changes that come.

We build up ourselves like we were building sand castles. We carefully or not so carefully build up the towers and walls and put in the details. The larger our castle, the more we have put into our life.

Then it starts happening. The waves start coming in and wash away some of the sand, causing some of the towers to collapse.

Just like how change comes into our lives. We build up our careers and establish ourselves in our companies and the waves of change come in. We have changes in our lives.

The question then is how do we face these inevitable changes? Do we act like kids on the beach as their castles start crumbling and cheer, or maybe even jump into the pile of sand, knowing we can start over and build another castle. Or do we build up walls and barriers, or even through ourselves in front of the castle to protect it from the tide?

When the tide comes in, the sand castle is doomed. When change comes into our lives, what we know our lives are going to change. We can fight it, we can run from it, we can ignore it, but change is coming.

Maybe the kids have it right. We should embrace change, knowing that we will have a chance to start building our next castle.

The choice is ours.


Sanford Berenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"
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