Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Message of the Day - Relaxed Power

Good Morning,


Sunday, I finished Norman Vincent Peale’s ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’ and really enjoyed it. I am sorry I waited so long to read it. It was a bit rough to get through at first, but it became easier and easier to read as I continued through it.


One section of the book that caught my attention talked about pushing too hard in the trying to get the things that we want and the problems this over-pushing causes us. Folks who steamroll their way through life end up getting what they want more often than not, but also find themselves overly tired and worn out more often than not. Not to mention the frustration and anguish it can also cause them and those who get ‘steamrolled’.


It seems the harder we push for what we want, the greater the amount of resistance to our efforts pushes back at us. It is as if we put on ankle, wrist and other weights as we run a race. The faster we run, the more weights we seem to wear. The more effort we put into the race, the better our chances of winning, and at the same time, the more energy we spend getting there.


Also, the harder we push, the more damage to relationships can result. In the end, after putting our nose to the grindstone and pushing through to the end and celebrating victory in achieving our goal could be tempered slightly by the smell of burning ruins from all the damage created in our quest for our goal at all costs.


There is an easier way to go about it. It is called a relaxed power.


We can win the race with the same if not more efficiency and skill and with using less energy. We can also get what we want without crushing those around us at the same time.


How can that be?


We can do this by planning ahead and mentally running and winning the race. Mentally doing the task and clearly visualizing ourselves getting the job done before we even hear the starting gun can remove obstacles before they even appear.


Then, when we have planned and mentally prepared, the race is easier to run, our minds, both conscious and subconscious know what is necessary to get the job done and they go about doing it. Like the message from Timothy Gallwey’s “Inner Game of Tennis” where we practice mentally and let our subconscious drive the bus rather than our ego, we can get the job done more efficiently with less energy going into the task.


The more prepared we are, the less push we need. The more we visualize our goal, the more life seems to clear a path for us. More efficiency, less destruction.


Numerous experiments have been run showing the greater results from people who mentally prepared for a task and those who just went at it. Can someone say ‘Law of Attraction’?


Being hard driving and determined is fine, but don’t do that alone, employ the other tools in our toolkit, like our subconscious mind, by mentally preparing and performing the task prior to even starting.


The results can be impressive and the energy we save can open up some more time in our day and week to do things we often never get to do.




Sanford Berenberg






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