Saturday, March 21, 2009

Message of the Day: Happiness In = Happiness Out

Good Morning,


Have you ever seen someone who was obviously upset (eyes glaring, face redder than normal, hands trembling, etc.) and when you ask if there is a problem or if you can help in any way, you get a “I’M FINE!” growled back at you?


Do you think those folks are happy at that moment? Neither do I.


Do you think that their telling everyone they are fine or happy will result in them becoming happy? Neither do I.


Happy thoughts make for happy people. Angry thoughts make for angry people.


One of my challenges is getting caught up in angry thoughts every now and then. I have become better at stopping myself before I put myself into a foul mood, but I am far from 100%. These angry thoughts could be from mentally role-playing out a situation in my mind to see how it may turn.  


For example, if I am going to be speaking with an associate about a situation which I know is a stressful one, I will often role play out the scenario in my mind several times to see what outcomes play out. Then I take note and react to these. It helps me be prepared for different situations. Sometimes during those mental role-playing sessions, I see the conversation getting heated. Then instead of stopping and reflecting, I mentally react to the situation in a more heated manner and it can get my all riled up. It is almost like having an argument in your mind.


Those angry thoughts do not help for a happy mood. In fact, I need to mentally ‘Cancel’ those thoughts as soon as I sense them or it will kill my good mood. I do mentally say ‘Cancel’.


When I want to change my mood from negative to positive, I think happy thoughts. (I know, sounds goofy, be hear me out). I think about my wife, my kids, my friends, my work, those people I help, the Lord, His scripture I read that day or sermon I recently heard. All of these help me get myself centered and back into a good mood.


To get into and maintain a happy mindset, we need to keep putting happiness into our mind. Happiness In = Happiness Out.


Anger in does not produce happiness (some folks say they thrive on pain and anguish of others, and well, I would rather avoid those folks when they feel this way).


To get into a happy mood, think happy thoughts. Put happy reminders where you work, photos, phrases, the Bible, whatever it takes to remind you of those things which make you happy.


The more you do this, the happier you will be.






Sanford Berenberg   ß Check out the cover of my upcoming book, “Learn And Grow Daily!”



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