Thursday, March 19, 2009

Message of the Day - Are You Sitting On The Sidelines In Your Own Life?

Good Morning,


My current read is Lee Iacocca’s new book on leadership called “Where Have All The Leaders Gone?” ( where he starts off lambasting the government and corporate leaders of the day of what have they been doing? It is both intriguing and very scary in seeing the perspective and information he is sharing.


Early on in the book Iacocca had a quote which caught my attention:


“If I’ve learned one thing, it’s this: You don’t get anywhere standing on the sidelines waiting for somebody else to take action.”


That profound statement has a lot of value.


Life is going to happen to us no matter which way we live it, opportunities will be given to us, and we must decide to take them or not, and if we do not decide, the decision is made for us.


We can sit in the boat of our life and float aimlessly where ever it takes us, or we can get out the paddles and row ourselves toward the opportunities we are given. Better yet, learn and grow daily, and eventually you can pull out an outboard motor and speed up your progress toward the destinations in your life.


Life is a participation sport. Situations in life come at us daily, and decisions need to be made, or they will be made for us. In some cases that is fine, but on the important topics, I would like to be the driver of that boat, rather than a passenger.


Our lives are too important to allow others, who often know little to nothing about our wants, desires, dreams, etc., to pull the strings on our lives. In many cases, with the laws of the land, or the company handbook, etc., there are rules we must follow and decisions which are made for us. When we do get an opportunity to choose an action or path for ourselves, it behooves us to take it.


You will get to destinations in life, but wouldn’t it be better to arrive at those destinations due to our own actions and decisions, and not what others have decided for us?


At the end game of our lives, do we want to be able to say ‘yes’ I took the opportunities presented to me in my life, I made the decisions that led me to where I am today, good or bad, or are you more comfortable just sitting back and letting life come at you, and taking as it comes, not making decisions and floating down the river on the prevailing current, never quite knowing where you will end up, or why?


Personally, I cannot be that passive, when opportunities are presented to me, I will make a decision, but that is me.


The decision is yours, take action in your life, or be a passenger or sit on the sidelines and let others play the game of your life for you.




Sanford Berenberg



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