Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Message of the Day - Remaining Positive in Face of Adversity

Good Morning,


Do you ever have days where nothing ever seems to go right?  It's like a wave comes to knock sense into you for trying to be positive. You get up and another, bigger wave comes at you, and just before you get knocked off your feet, you notice an even bigger wave behind this one bearing down on you. You change your stance to better face the waves and remain positive, but now an undertow pulls your feet and legs out from under you and your positive attitude is shaken again.


How do we face this continual onslaught of negative waves which relentlessly pound us and our sometime feeble attempts to keep a positive attitude?


There are two ways I know of.


The first and harder way is to keep getting back up. If you get back on your feet each and every time you get knocked down, then in the end your positive attitude and will to be positive will defeat any and all obstacles and challenges.


The second way is to get help. Two people, working together are strong than one.  


Two people bracing each other as the waves of negativity sweep over them have a better chance of remaining on their feet than just one. Three is better than two and so on. Surround yourself with others who have the same desire to be positive and back each other up. You will find it easier to be positive when you have others right there with you, wanting to do the same thing.


If there is no one where you work or live who is positive, then go elsewhere and find someone. Maybe you can only meet once a week or once a month, but find that person and spend time building each other up. Send emails, texts, instant messages, whatever. If you can't find anyone, call me.


Be the positive for your group, and they will be the positive for you. With that synergy working together, eventually those waves of negativity will get smaller and smaller and eventually just cease to have any impact on you.


Be positive together, and take on the world!




Sanford Berenberg ←-Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"

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