Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Message of the Day - Everyone Can Make a Difference

Good Morning,


My current read is “Every Monday Matters: 52 Ways to Make a Difference” by Matthew Emerzian and Kelly Bozza ( Every Monday Matters is published by Simple Truths, another very inspiring company who has created many powerful messages using a combination of amazing photographs and profound thoughts.


This book was a Christmas gift from one my message recipients, Wayne Burgess. Wayne sends out a message every Thursday, called In Living Life - Thursday Thoughts ( These are very thought provoking and often timely. Check it out!


“Every Monday Matters” has 52 ways to make a difference in the world. These actions, projects or ways of thinking all have a positive impact on our environment, our community and specific people in our world. In addition to each of these actions are facts and figures which are both informinative and at the same time drive home how vital it is to make a difference in our world.


Most of these activities are so very easy to do and it is surprising the impact that they have in making the world a better place. Some of the activities are simply picking up a piece of garbage, or turning off the TV and reading, or thanking a Police Officer, or writing a letter to a Serviceman or Servicewoman.


Many of these activities are things that we do regularly and maybe do not even give a second thought to. It is good to know that we are good people and make a difference in the world, but we need to do more if we want to help the world more.


My plan is to share this book with my family and every week, we will read one of the activities and do it as a family. This was my wife, Karen’s idea and I love it. Spending time bonding as a family and working together to make this world a better place with meaningful activities is something I am very much looking forward to do.


We can make a difference in with even small actions, when we can get many people working together. If we each do one kind act, we can make an impact (hundreds of people all doing a kind act). Imagine the impact of thousands of people working together to make a difference. Tens of Thousands. Millions!


It does not take much to make a positive difference. We each have it within us. Every Monday Matters is a great book to show us the simple way to make that difference.


We can do it, together!


Thanks again Wayne!




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PS: If you know others who may enjoy this message of the day, please pass this message on or invite them to receive them themselves by signing up.



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