Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Message of the Day - Troubles within or are they?

Good Morning,


I am still plugging away on the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, reading a few pages every few days and came across this gem:


Today I have got out of all trouble, or rather I have cast out all trouble, for it was not outside, but within and in my opinions.


We as people can be awfully opinionated on many things in life. Some of this is personality and another part of it is simply human nature. When we hear a bump in the night, we start to think about what it is. Some folks cannot rest until they find out what it is; others are less stressed over the unknown, and still others will ‘manufacture’ what that sound must have been.


We can see someone smile at us and we may think that they are happy with us, or they could frown at us and may think that they are angry with us. These snap perceptions can be very true, or they could be way off base. The person smiling at us could be listening to a MP3 player and hearing a comedy routine, like my favorite, Bill Engvall, and smiling at a joke as they were looking at us. Another person who is very happy with us, may have a bad back or arm and have a sudden pain as they look at us, causing them to frown when we see them.


What we see and what is reality is often quite different. If we let what we see fester in our minds, then we have to do what Emperor Marcus Aurelius says, to cast out all trouble or all false perceptions.  Or as Don Miguel Ruiz says in “The Four Agreements” we must not make assumptions by asking questions instead of assuming.


Mark Twain said it very well with: “I am an old man and have known a great many troubles but most of them never happened.”


I have found that a lot of what I have believed or felt to be true have turned out to not be what has happened. That which goes bump in the night is often not something going bump at all and is usually very mundane common sound and not scary at all.


So, don’t let fear fester. Ask a question and defuse the mystery. This works with understanding how other people feel as well. If someone appears to be upset, ask them if there is anything that you did which caused this and if you can fix something or provide help.


Often you will find out that which you feared was simply an unfounded fear dwelling in your mind only.




Sanford Berenberg



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