Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Message of the Day - Does What We Do Really Matter?

Good Morning,


Some days I get up, tired and sore, from all of the activities in my life. I look at my calendar and try to remember what I have planned for today and sometimes wince at the load of ‘to-do’s that sit before me. When is my next free night….dang!


There are days I just want to climb back into bed and forget about life and sleep. Getting an hour of learning in every day, on top of my Bible reading, has been a real chore as of lately and I struggle to get it done each day. Some days I come close, and others I run a little short.


There are so many calls for my attention, the kids, the cats, the email, the questions, bringing out the trash, changing the light bulb, cutting the lawn…if it ever stops raining. The workload at the office seems to only get bigger no matter how much I get accomplished. Unpacking boxes at home seems to help as you can see progress, but at times that is not enough.


I am sorry to start off with a downer as a message, but this thought caught my attention and I had to think it through.


Why do we push ourselves to do what we do if it sometimes does not seem to make a difference?


Then you get the message. It may be an email. It may be a letter, it may be a phone call. This last week it was all three.


The phone call came from one of you saying that you really enjoy these messages and use them share with your teams at work. The email was from Noah St. John, the author of the book I was sharing with you thanking me for my work. The letter was from a friend who had read my book and wanted to share how powerful it was in their life.


I would have been happy with just one, but seeing that what we do in life has a positive effect on others is like pouring nitro into our fuel tanks and charges us up.


When life gets us down, and it always seems to have the ability to do this, I remember what people I have touched have told me. It is a driving force which more than compensates for the weight of the world.


When life gets you down, stop and look at those around you.


While they may not always say it or show it, realize that you make a difference in their lives.


We all do not need Clarence, the guardian angel (from It’s a Wonderful Life), to come down and show us what life would be like without us ever being born to appreciate the impact we make on the world. We just need to stop, breath, and reflect on the benefits of our troubles.


There is little else in life that gives the same feelings as helping others.


And if you cannot think of a time when you helped others, then roll up your sleeves and do something nice for someone. Buy flowers and hand them out to ladies this week and say Happy Mothers Day to people who are not your mother (you will make their week). Pick up trash in the local park and see the faces of people shine when they see a cleaner, safer place to play. Go to a soup kitchen or local charity and say ‘I want to help’. There are so many things we can do, little things, that make the lives of others better.


Then, reflect on how you have helped and your inner engine will rev up, with a full tank to get out of bed and do it again. And Again.





Sanford Berenberg



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