Thursday, May 21, 2009

Message of the Day - Future Leadership of America

Good Morning,


This past evening I had the honor and pleasure to attend the second annual awards celebration for a new two-year-old organization ‘The Steward’s Staff’. This organization works to equip and train teenagers to be ethical people and prepare them to be future leaders. They provide training, mentoring and scholarships.


At the celebration I was able to hear some of these leaders speak, and after each phenomenal speech, I learned how far each of these young adults had come from their start with ‘The Steward’s Staff’. In some cases the changes were vast, and in others, the organization polished a real gem, allowing them to shine even more. Please note, The Steward’s Staff has only been around for two years.


One youth leader presented their speech on the subject of chocolate chip cookies. Bear with this. It is really good! This young man is going places!


In his speech, this young gentleman was able to weave an experience in a home economics class about preparing and baking cookies into a life lesson on leadership. He covered how the ingredients of the cookies mirror the parts of our lives and how we interact with others. That there were fears that the cookies did not have the right ingredients or were mixed improperly, that they oozed all over the cookie sheet and would not turn out right, but in the end they were great.


Just like young adults who are growing up, we may have fears of how they will turn out based on who they interact with, and what they do, but in the end, if the ingredients are mixed well and cooked for the right amount of time, the young adults and young leaders will turn out fine.


I am so very impressed about the drive of this organization to help prepare our future leaders with the skills and knowledge they will need to take the helm of our country, our states, local governments, businesses and social organizations.


Think about it. What good is all the work, learning and growing that we do if there are no leaders to take the mantle from us when our time at the helm comes to a close?


If we do not start early enough, we may miss the opportunity to give our future leaders the tools they need to help keep the world running.


It only makes sense to give our experience and knowledge to the next generation and prepare them to take the reigns from us.


What are you doing to help them?


If want to help out, find a local organization who strives to equip our youth and support them, or if you don’t know where to look, go to and help them. I will be.


Thank you!


Sanford Berenberg ß Click here to order: “Learn And Grow Daily!”



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