Friday, November 28, 2008

Message of the Day - Leadership in a new light!

Good Morning,


Happy Black Friday! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Prior to my leaving for New York, I finished reading a wonderful book on leadership. This book is one that came from a perspective that I have never encountered before and was truly refreshing. ‘Tribes’ by Seth Godin (


Seth Godin defines Tribes as groups with not only similar interests but similar passions. These groups could be your local rotary club, a dance troop, or members of an online discussion group about fabric softener. Tribes can be of any size, make up or denomination.


Teams that are also Tribes are more powerful than other teams. Teams work toward the same goals, but they do not share the same passions. Those that do are Tribes and they are almost always the more successful teams. When a new person joins a team, they may not be passionate about the team, hurting its overall performance. It’s the leader’s job to get that team member to become a member of the Tribe, or off the team. Teams which don’t get their members aligned in passion and interest will never achieve as much as a Tribe.


Tribes need leaders. Leaders are people who can fan the flames of passion and get the Tribe to accomplish goals beyond their expectations. Leaders see the forest for the trees and see the opportunities within the risk. They then get the tribe motivated and steer them toward those opportunities. Leaders look at convention and the status quo and move beyond it. Those who hold fast to the status quo are only holding off the inevitable. Change is constant. Leaders embrace it.


In my teams, I work to find everyone’s passions and get them to use these passions to steer part of the ship. A ship run by a tribe would have many oars, rudders and sails all working in unison. By getting everyone on board and igniting their passions to our goals, we can accomplish more. We also learn to grow and improve ourselves in the process. Tribe members, once their passions are ignited and are helping drive the Tribe toward its goals help other members to ignite their passions. By getting everyone to act as a leader from time to time, and letting the best ideas and suggestions guide the way, you can improve the power of the tribe to achieve its goals, explore new territory and create new opportunities.


This book is irreverent and written in Seth Godin’s ‘no holds barred’ direct style. His message is loud and clear and available for anyone who has the guts, intelligence and desire to listen and learn. It shows a positive future for those who embrace it, especially in light of today’s rough economy. The status quo is not our friend.


This is a MUST READ for anyone who is a part of a Tribe, is trying to build a Tribe or wants to help lead a Tribe. (Which means all of us).


The status quo be damned, get out there and lead!




Sanford Berenberg



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