Thursday, November 13, 2008

Message of the Day - Improve Productivity With One Simple Action

Good Morning,


Welcome New Recipients!


Most of us are very busy and have learned to multi-task. We read emails and work spreadsheets; we’re on the phone and proofreading. We try to kill more than two birds with one stone and work to group as many other birds together that we can while not investing in bigger stones (stones = our time).


We notice those who do that when we go to talk to them. Their attention is not really on us. When answering us, first their eyes move from us to their computer monitor, to some work and then their words slow down, trail off or they start talking about something else entirely.


I find myself at the computer responding to emails, instant messages and trying to respond to people’s questions simultaneously. When I catch myself doing that, I try to focus attention on person talking to me. I look away from the computer. When that’s not enough, I turn my back on it. In some cases, this still is not enough. When pressed for time, working on an important task, I quickly turn around to check the monitor for a moment, and then there I am again, ignoring those in front of me. So, I have started stepping away from my computer entirely to focus on the conversation and listening to the person I am talking to.


Another solution is to ask the person to come back later or that we will seek them out when we have more time to truly listen to them. This sets the tone that what they want to say is important, but we do not have the time, now, to fully listen to them.


What happens when we don’t give those we talk to our full attention? We miss words, we misunderstand the message, and worse, we show those who are talking to us that both they and what they are trying to say are not as important as the other things you are focusing on. In their mind, what they have to say or ask is.


By listening exclusively to the person we are talking with, we actually hear what they are asking and can respond better with clearer and more complete thoughts. They feel more appreciated and that they can come to us for help, answers and even advice. Also, the conversation itself often will take less time because we are putting our full effort into it.


The bigger picture is when we focus on listening; we can more effectively address other’s questions and concerns. We build strong work relationships, improve morale and trust and increase overall productivity. Sure there has to be limits on interruptions at our work. When we know we will be ignored if we go to others, then we will often stop going to them for help entirely. What is the cost of that? (Think about the ‘if only they came to me’ or ‘I could have helped them’ situations in our past).


Listen and improve productivity.




Sanford Berenberg



PS: If you know others who may enjoy this message of the day, please pass this message on or invite them to receive them themselves by sending a request to me. If you wish to stop receiving these, please also let me know. Thank you!!!


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