Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Message of the Day - How to Make Yourself Feel Better

Good Morning,


Welcome new recipients!!!


I am finishing up Nuts!: Southwest Airlines’ Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success’ by Kevin and Jackie Freiberg ( That is, I am reading the last 100 pages, I call it the 100 page countdown. I remember how many pages I have left in the book each time I put it down at this point (currently 92), and this helps drive me onward to finish the book and move to the next one (for the folks who wanted to know how I read so much).


Anyway, I was reading the section on giving back to the community and after a few sections, I felt like I was reading Chicken Soup for the Soul. People gave of themselves and the company to help those in need, and it brought tears to my eyes. I love reading how others stepped up and helped another person. I love seeing how this help changes them. One story was woman feeling bad for herself for having to work on Christmas Eve. Then a customer comes up, an old man who has very little, just had bypass surgery, fresh with bandages, and wanted to fly from LA to New Orleans to recuperate with family, but all flights have left for the day. She and her team help him get a hotel room, on them, and booked him on the first flight out. At the end of the event, she was happy to have been working Christmas Eve because she helped this man. She now calls him Mr. Christmas because of the lesson she learned from him.


This warms my heart because of how I have felt after I have helped others and how I felt. I remember the time I bought a dozen roses for five friends when visiting the National Zoo. I handed each of them two roses and had two left over. I then saw a lady walking by in what looked like a blasé almost melancholy mood, so I handed her the two roses saying ‘beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady’, and her face lit up. She walked on with a smile, smelling the roses.


Doing something for others, even remembering those things you have done for others will almost always bring a smile to your face and warm your heart. And if you this doesn’t, then get out there and do something for someone else. ANYTHING. Maybe for Halloween, prepare bags of candy for your coworker’s kids to bring home. Maybe volunteer at a hospital or Senior Center to read to people.


I guarantee you that you will feel like you got the better end of the bargain after you have helped.


When you are down and out, help others. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but it works. We are just wired that way.




Sanford Berenberg



PS: If you know others who may enjoy this message of the day, please pass this message on or invite them to receive them themselves by sending a request to me. If you wish to stop receiving these, please also let me know. Thank you!!!




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