Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Power of YOU

Good Morning,


Have you ever experienced a time where you were the answer to a problem.


That you were the most knowledgeable about something, or had the right skills or experiences.


That if anyone other than you were there, the situation would have unfolded differently, possibly not for the better.


How did you feel when that happened, when you were the lynchpin to resolving the problem? Probably pretty darn good.


The more you find yourselves in these situations, the more powerful you become.


The more you find yourselves working in situations where you are not the solution, the weaker you become.


It then makes sense to find where you are strongest and move yourself there.


And then the Power of YOU will flourish.




Sanford Berenberg


Click on the book to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"






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