Friday, July 13, 2012

Message of the Day - Helping Hand in Hand in Hand

Good Morning,


My office moved a couple blocks to a nicer building a few weeks back, but I still park at the same parking garage. So I have added a five block walk round-trip to my daily commute, I try to think about it as more of a forced daily exercise.


Yesterday, on my way back to the parking garage today I decided to cut through the hotel attached to the garage and get some AC after hoofing it from the office.


As I neared the door, the lady ahead of me opened the door, stepped through and then stopped and held the door for me before moving to the second doorway in the hotel.


I thanked her as I stepped up, turned around and then held the door for a lady who was directly behind me. She, in turn, did the same for a gentleman behind her.  The same thing happened at the second set of doors as each one of us held the door open for the next person.


Each one of us helped the person next to us in a sort of pay it forward activity with instant results.


It seemed kind of funny as we helped each other and then did it again within a few seconds of the first round, yet at the same time, it was happy moment where multiple people were involved with helping multiple people.


It was cascading helpfulness.  


Everyone’s mood improved and everyone went on their ways with smiles on their faces.


It’s amazing the joy that can be created by the simple actions of helping others. And as I experienced, that joy is expanded the more people who were involved with helping others.


In our rushed and hurried day-to-day lives, it’s good to know that we can bust through the darkness with simple acts of helping others. Better yet, it’s even better to know that the size of the joy we can create can grow exponentially the more people who get involved in the helping of others.


Seems like an untapped power out there, but then again, many of us already know this power and use it regularly, thankfully.


When faced with a tough day, or rough experience, try to help another, and if possible create that change of helping hand in hand in hand, etc. to bring joy to everyone involved.




Sanford Berenberg
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