Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Message of the Day - Heart or Brains?

Good Morning,


My current read is John Eldredge’s “Waking the Dead: the Glory of a Heart Fully Alive” ( This book was recommended to me by a pastor when Karen and I visited The Cove two years ago. I am sorry I waited so long to start it. It is a fantastic read.


One section covers the conversation between the Tin Man and Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz. That is, from the book, and not the movie where there is more backstory on the Tin Man, among other things.


In the conversation, they talk about what they want and why:


Both Dorothy and the Scarecrow had been greatly interested in the story of the Tin Woodman, and now they knew why he was so anxious to get a new heart.

“All the Same,” said the Scarecrow, “I shall ask for brains instead of a heart; for a fool would not know what to do with a heart if he had one.”

“I shall take the heart,” returned the Tin Woodman; “for brains do not make one happy, and happiness is the best thing in the world.”

(L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)



This raises an interesting question.


Which is more important for us to strive for?


Deepening our Hearts or Strengthening our Brains?


Enriching love or wisdom?


Do we pursue a life of love and happiness at the cost of wisdom and knowledge?  Or do we pursue a life of wisdom and learning at the cost of love?


While some folks will ponder this question, my answer is to pursue both.  


It is a simple answer.


Sadly I believe we often forget this and trek down the path of gaining one and forsaking the other.


We get so focused on one path that we put blinders on to what is going on around us with the other. 


·         Going to college, work and being hell-bent on gaining knowledge while those we love become isolated from us and pushed away.


·         Or, we get so focused on doing what we love that stagnate in life, not learning anything new, and when opportunities come by, we cannot respond to them.


It is okay to search out a life of love and happiness and at the same time, one of learning and wisdom.


If the fourth member of the Oz trio was not such a coward, he might have suggested the Tin Man and Scarecrow both ask for both (just kidding…).




Sanford Berenberg
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