Thursday, March 22, 2012

Message of the Day - Keeping Ideas from Dying Alone and in the Dark Recesses of our Minds

Good Morning,


Last night I attended a meeting put on by Louisville Digital Association (LDA) where the talk was about venture capital and technical start ups and how Louisville can become a more active and successful city for these up and coming companies.


One of the ideas that was tossed out resonated with me. The question asked was how protective of ideas should someone be to keep it from being stolen, while sharing it with others to help flesh it out. The answer was to share the idea with everyone within the community, so that as many people can hone it and sharpen it and bang out its bumps and weak points.


And that made me think.


I do well thinking through concepts and ideas, but I do better when I get to talk through my thoughts, even if the other party is just standing there looking at me (which as recently posted, happens relatively frequently).


Ideas that are kept within us are often lost.


Ideas that are not shared with others are often unrefined.


Ideas that are protected from being hammered and molded are often weak.


Ideas that shared, beaten, molded and allowed to bounced around, if they survive, are often strong, refined and kept in front of many people.


If you have an idea that you wish to do something with, it makes sense to find a group of people you trust, who have something to offer, and let those ideas flow.


See where they go and don’t be defensive if they are changed and bent into a different animal over time.


Think about it. This is what think-tanks do. They take ideas and beat them up, test them, tear at them, undermine them, and do whatever they can to both make them the best they can be, and remove any failings from them through testing and beating, etc.


So, to save our ideas from a quick, silent and dark death in the isolated realm of our over-stimulated minds, it makes sense to share them, send them out and see what they become when they come back. Then do it again, and again, and watch as the idea grows and refines and takes on a life of its own.


So get out there and share!




Sanford Berenberg
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