Monday, August 29, 2011

Message of the Day - I am not happy

Good Morning,


Yesterday a co-worker asked me a random question. They wanted to know how I always seemed to be so positive in everything I do.


In my response I laughed saying that I am far from happy or positive all the time. Just ask my boss or my wife and they will tell you that I often have bouts with sarcasm and anger.  I am a recovering Yankee from New York.


I told my coworker that I am not a happy person, that I have to work very hard to be positive. It is something that I have worked on for years, and as I still have said bouts, I have a long way to go.


So, then, how can this so-called sarcastic and angry person come across as positive so often?


Good question, I wonder about that myself.


What I do when I am frustrated and angry is to try and get a chance to breath and vent. Sometimes this means going for a walk or listening to some heavy metal music (I prefer Skillet and Fireflight).


Sometimes I pick up my Bible and read a few verses. Usually of the Psalms.


Sometimes I pray for the people who are upsetting me, or take a cue from Norman Vincent Peale and give quick prayers to people as I see them walk or drive by.


What I also notice is that my anger and frustration is often surrounding a misconception that I am what everything is about.


And as we all know, it is not about me, or for that matter about anyone of us.


When we make that shift in thinking from it being about us to the bigger picture, the frustration and anger often dissipates quickly.


As each situation is different, I tend to use different tools to help get me back in control of my emotion from the hijacking that took place. One tool often is not enough if you use it over and over again.


Breaking it up, and doing different things helps you change gears when one trick is just not working. For example, when music is just not making the difference, I can step away and go for a walk. Or I can do some physical work to divert my attention. Etc.


With being positive, I guess it is working, although I am often brooding and dour most days. I guess the difference is that I refuse to stay in those dark places. Even if I have to sleep on the issue overnight, I refuse to let any situation hold me down. To take up residence in my brain and not pay rent.


I have a long way to go, but I am willing to take the trip.


I have seen the darkness that is within me, and I choose not to dwell upon it. Even though it tends to come clawing back to dominate some days.


It may be a struggle I have for the rest of my life, but if I give up, what then?


I am not going there.


I hope you don’t either.




Sanford Berenberg
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