Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Message of the Day - There is a limit of how much we can juggle

Good Morning,

I was not able to get to my car for a few moments yesterday afternoon. I knew that I parked on the 4th floor, so when I climbed the stairs in the parking garage I was a bit shocked to see no car. Looking around, I noticed the sign for the 5th floor. Realizing I overshot my floor I turned around and ran down a flight of stairs, and as I walked out to where my car was, nothing...again.

Looking around again I noticed a sign saying 3rd floor. I overshot it again. Stopping for a moment and regaining my thoughts I tried to understand what had just happened. I was pretty sure it was not a tesseract ( I was also pretty sure my blood sugar was not completely out of whack.

Taking it slowly, going back up one flight of stairs, I made it out to the fourth floor and to my car. I felt a bit surprised that I could not find an entire floor in the parking garage.

Why did I miss it. It could be that I am just a goof and my mind was deep in thought with upcoming events and activities or I was trying to not be run over by the lady coming down the stairs as I headed up, and the other person who was coming up as I went down.

By being engrossed in something other than what I was doing, I completely missed the reality that was around me. I am reminded of stories of Albert Einstein who, when teaching at Princeton University, was so absent minded that there were signs posted 'Beware of Professor'. He had once left his house without pants, and other interesting oddities.

With everything going on in my life I seemed to have reached a point where I am mentally overwhelmed. Where I would think of one or two things in my travels, my mind is racing between dozens. I have had to consciously step back from several activities in my life until the recent chaos settles down to the normal dull roar.

I guess there is limit to how much we can handle and juggle at any one time. As we learn and grow, that amount increases, but there is always a limit.

Although, it would have been cool if it really were a tesseract in the parking garage!


Sanford Berenberg ß Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"




Sanford Berenberg

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