Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Message of the Day - Do We Complain or Improve?

Good Morning,


Welcome new recipients!!


Over the years I have heard complaints about how the drug companies tried to entice medical practitioners to prescribe their drugs through the liberal use of providing free promotional materials (pens, pads, calendars, etc.). People complained it was unfair and wanted it stopped.


A few weeks ago I heard a news story about how the drug companies are no longer going to provide free promotional materials to medical practitioners except for anything educational about their products. To my surprise, there were complaints made that these drug companies only did this to save money, seemingly ignoring that they were, in fact, stopping giving out freebies.


It is interesting that when people called for a change and got it, some found something else to complain about.


That seems to be a lot of energy spent in complaining and not very much energy on finding solutions.


If we focus our energy on solutions, what we would like to see happen, instead of finding fault (and in our world, there seems to be ample supply of fault to be found) we can enact improvements in our lives and in those around us.


While an incremental improvement may not be satisfying and of itself, repeated improvements are like building a house from bricks. One brick is not much of a house, but as the bricks get added, the house takes shape.


When we look at something that upsets us, can we look with an eye for how to make improvements instead of just complaints? There will be times that there is little to nothing that we can do to change a situation for a variety of reasons, but that does not mean that we should not try to find improvements. Let’s get that improvement mindset revved up and humming.


Taken another way, when we see the glass half full or half empty, do we look at the glass and see what is missing or do we look for the pitcher to fill it up the rest of the way?






Sanford Berenberg






PS: If you know others who may enjoy this message of the day, please pass this message on or invite them to receive them themselves by sending a request to me. If you wish to stop receiving these, please also let me know. Thank you!!!



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