Thursday, April 12, 2012

Message of the Day - Practical Tools for Helping Others [Action Requested]

Good Morning,


A few days ago a friend asked me to make a list of some easy ways to help people, some fast and easy things we can do for others which can have a lasting impression and impact.


Well, here you go:


1.       Smile at someone

2.       Say Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening (whichever applies)

3.       Shake someone’s hand, look into their eye and say: ‘Hello, Good Morning, Thank You, Great to Meet You” (Whichever applies)

4.       Send someone a thank you note with a short note of what they did for you or someone else

5.       Send someone an email or letter telling them that you have been thinking about them

6.       Make a Facebook, Twitter or other social media post about something nice someone did for you

7.       Send someone a book which inspired you, with a note that you hope they find it as great as you did

8.       Go to a coffee shop and pay it forward (buy your drink and drink for a random other person)

9.       Go through your things and pile up stuff you have not used for a few years and bring it to a charitable organization

10.   Offer to babysit for one of your friends so they can have a date night

11.   When you cut your grass, cut your neighbor’s yard too

12.   Visit a relative or friend who does not get out much, and bring flowers, chocolate or a game

13.   When you hear of a good book coming out, buy two and give one to a friend

14.   When you see a good article or blog, forward it to a friend and tell them you think they will like it and why



I left #15 blank so that you could fill it in.


If each person who reads this can send back one more item, I will resend this list in a week with all of your submissions and we can all work to help others in a simple and practical way.


Thank you all in advance.




Sanford Berenberg
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