Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Message of the Day - Blinded By Outrage or the Outrageous

Good Morning,


Have you ever noticed how the news and media tend make a big deal out of almost everything. Some agencies are certainly worse than others, but I know I have gotten to the point even these outrages are becoming less outrageous with the constant media bombardment.  You know it’s the case when stuff you saw a decade ago which made you cringe, now merely makes you shrug.


This has been the norm for so long that it has rubbed off on us common folk who may also tend to make mountains out of molehills because it is such the common thing to do.  And it’s not so much the news anymore, but everyday items as well.


Just look at:


…the number of frivolous lawsuits being waged around our nation

…digitally enhanced images of models making boys and girls trying to aspire to match looks

…crusades made over worthy, yet not earth shaking causes, spawning cascading crusades over other causes

…news media pounding us with current events over and over again like nothing else is going on (it is almost humorous on slow news days, gotta get those ratings!)


All of this has the ability to dull our senses and blind us from the reality that is in front of us.  It also has the ability to make us see the outrageous in the commonplace (how dare that parent not allow that sweet child eat a few pounds of chocolate whenever they want, etc.).


I was at a friend’s house for Easter and watched the kids get ready for the egg hunt and their manic running around pre-hunt, during the hunt and post-hunt was tiring (and I just sat in once place for the 15 minute affair), and when it ended, it ended. For the kids that was a fun time, one they really looked forward to and will cherish. What didn’t happen was a follow up drama of who got what egg and who was denied, or who stole what. That behavior has almost become the norm.


It’s when the events never end, when the mania is forced to continue, we get sucked into the drama, the outrage, and it is tiring.


In some cases simple things in live just become ludicrous and form of distorted reality to make them more sensationalized.


Using a Freud quote:  “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.” Sometimes there really isn’t anything sensational in our day or what happens within it. Sometimes there is nothing outrageous, and honestly, that is good.  


Sometimes life is boring and there isn’t anything going on. I actually have come to love boring days.


Sometimes we need to turn off the TV, turn off the monitor, and just sit back and enjoy the weather, read a book, take a hike, and get back to a calm normal reality (I know, what is normal these days).


We need to remember to turn off the outrageous from time to time, and focus on the real, lest we lose touch with reality.


I am not sure if the media hype is trying to sell us something or control our lives, but I know I can turn it off, and often, I do.


Let’s not be blinded by all the constant outrage and the outrageous in the world, but keep our feet firmly planted on the ground and balance some calm within the latest crusade (and there will always be a crusade for something waiting for our enlistment).


Take a deep breath and smell the April Showers and await the May Flowers.




Sanford Berenberg


Follow Me on Twitter! http://twitter.com/sberenberg

http://learnandgrowdaily.com  Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"





Thursday, April 12, 2012

Message of the Day - Practical Tools for Helping Others [Action Requested]

Good Morning,


A few days ago a friend asked me to make a list of some easy ways to help people, some fast and easy things we can do for others which can have a lasting impression and impact.


Well, here you go:


1.       Smile at someone

2.       Say Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening (whichever applies)

3.       Shake someone’s hand, look into their eye and say: ‘Hello, Good Morning, Thank You, Great to Meet You” (Whichever applies)

4.       Send someone a thank you note with a short note of what they did for you or someone else

5.       Send someone an email or letter telling them that you have been thinking about them

6.       Make a Facebook, Twitter or other social media post about something nice someone did for you

7.       Send someone a book which inspired you, with a note that you hope they find it as great as you did

8.       Go to a coffee shop and pay it forward (buy your drink and drink for a random other person)

9.       Go through your things and pile up stuff you have not used for a few years and bring it to a charitable organization

10.   Offer to babysit for one of your friends so they can have a date night

11.   When you cut your grass, cut your neighbor’s yard too

12.   Visit a relative or friend who does not get out much, and bring flowers, chocolate or a game

13.   When you hear of a good book coming out, buy two and give one to a friend

14.   When you see a good article or blog, forward it to a friend and tell them you think they will like it and why



I left #15 blank so that you could fill it in.


If each person who reads this can send back one more item, I will resend this list in a week with all of your submissions and we can all work to help others in a simple and practical way.


Thank you all in advance.




Sanford Berenberg


Follow Me on Twitter! http://twitter.com/sberenberg

http://learnandgrowdaily.com  Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"



Friday, April 6, 2012

Message of the Day - Playing The Garden!

Good Morning,


I like seeing new organizations getting started and working toward their goals, fulfilling their missions. When they are out the organizations’ staffs are passionate and focused on success. They have the big picture in mind (or they should) and push forward through obstacles and set-backs as they make their way toward making a difference in the lives of others.


When I was a teenager and huge KISS fan (I am still a KISS fan), I remember reading how they used to play in clubs on Long Island, New York, prior to making it big time. They would be at a bar or club and have the walls behind them, on either side of the drums, set up with piles of amplifiers as if they were playing The Garden (Madison Square Garden in Manhattan, New York City). In those piles of amps, there were generally only three working amps. One for each of the guitars (lead, rhythm and bass).


When they played in those pubs and bars, they did not envision the night as KISS playing in such and such bar, but KISS playing at The Garden.


Every gig was The Big One.


Every night was another blockbuster, sold-out show at The Garden.


Some may call it delusion to play a venue for 50 people and in your mind, play for 50,000.


Others call it success-focused thinking.


Like some football teams who play to their opponents level in each game, not to their own level, by playing a gig as if it were the The Big One means that your performance will be the best it can be. You would all agree that if you were doing a talk in front of 10 people you might prepare differently than if you were doing a talk in front of 10,000 people.


Seeing the big picture, and living it, even though the real thing would be years away, KISS made the move from obscurity to world-wide fame, and in some cases, fortune.


We can use the same big-picture thinking and living in our lives in pursuing our dreams.


Maybe each of my messages here is more than just an email sent to a blog and blasted to about 100 people. Maybe it is my life’s work, being seen by millions around the world.


In fact, when I write these messages, I think of the millions who may read it and what they may get from it, and how it will improve their lives (starting with all of you!).


Living that big picture in what we are passionate about makes a big difference.


It will help us get closer to our dreams. Our Big Picture Dreams!


So get out there and in whatever you do, play The Garden!




Sanford Berenberg


Follow Me on Twitter! http://twitter.com/sberenberg

http://learnandgrowdaily.com  Click here to order: "Learn And Grow Daily!"
